Membership Application
Organization name
Primary Contact for Applicant’s Organization
Mailing Address
Organization Detail
Organization Mission
(or link to mission)
Organization Website
Principal Activities of Applicant Organization
Administrative structure and leadership (organizational chart if available) of applicant organization (please
attach or provide link)
The objective strategies of IFEES include (a) engineering education research and development, (b)
pipeline/attractiveness and (c) sustainability. IFEES bylaws require that member organizations formally
commit to promote the objectives of the Federation. Has the authorized body of your organization made
this commitment?
Yes No
State how your organization (a) aligns itself with these objects and (b) how and in what way it proposes to
contribute to the development of IFEES Please provide a thoughtful, thorough response on a separate
Membership & Representative Details
Please indicate the desired membership level
The membership value proposition is available at
Gold ($2,000 annually)
Silver ($1,000 annually)
Corporate ($6,000 annually)
Bronze ($500 annually)
Student ($100 annually)
Name of Organization’s IFEES Representative
Email of Organization’s IFEES Representative
Name of individual to send IFEES Invoice
E-Mail of individual to send IFEES invoice
Please note: IFEES would prefer one representative per organization. Should this representative’s status
change, you will be required to inform IFEES. Applicants who are accepted into the IFEES community
within the first six (6) months of the fiscal year (January 1- June 30) will be expected to pay the full dues for
that year. Those who are accepted in the latter half of the fiscal year (July 1 December 31) will pay 50%
of the annual due.
Complete and e-mail to IFEES Secretary General Hans Jürgen Hoyer (h.hoyer.ifees@gedc.info) or mail to:
IFEES Secretariat (c/o Hans Jürgen Hoyer)
George Mason University
Volgenau School of Engineering
4500 University Drive, MS 4A3
Fairfax, VA 22030
United States of America
To Be Completed by the IFEES Secretariat
Acceptance of application in consideration by Secretariat Hans Jürgen Hoyer
Approval of IFEES Executive Committee Date
Observer ($0, status
applicable for one year only)