Medical Request for
Additional Bedroom
-0190 2021-
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The City of Toronto has established local occupancy standards for RGI housing. These standards
permit a household to qualify for an additional bedroom if:
1. A spouse who would normally share a bedroom requires a separate bedroom because of a
disability or medical condition. Spouses will not normally qualify for an additional bedroom
unless a second bed cannot be accommodated within a shared bedroom. A household will
not qualify for an additional bedroom based on a snoring condition alone.
2. A room is required to store equipment that a member of the household needs because of a
permanent disability or medical condition, and the equipment is too large to be reasonably
accommodated in a unit size for which the household would normally qualify.
The following equipment will not normally qualify a household for an additional bedroom:
• Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines
• Air filtration systems
• Vaporizers or humidifiers
• Walkers, wheelchairs or scooters
• Massage tables
• Exercise equipment
3. A room is required for an individual who provides full-time overnight support services to a
member of the household.
Note: When a household requests an additional bedroom for a medical reason, the RGI
Administrator must determine if the household qualifies under the Local Occupancy Standards.
From time to time, the RGI Administrator may ask for new information to verify that the
household still qualifies for the additional bedroom.
Section 3: Description of need for additional bedroom (To be completed by Healthcare Professional)
How many years has this patient been under your care?
Why does this person with this medical condition or disability need an additional bedroom?
What is the expected duration of the need for the additional bedroom?
No Yes Is the room requested to store medical equipment?
What is the medical equipment to be stored?