City of Hialeah Buil
ding Department
Permit #___________ Job Address: _____________________________ Contractor: ___________________
Attention applicant you are responsible for filling out this application correctly. If you have any questions
concerning what category your work falls under, please see an inspector or processor for your trade. Refunds
will not be given in case of error on your part and you will be charged a double fee for doing work without a
permit. Minimum fee for mechanical permits is $130.00.
Furnaces & Heating Equipment
Air Conditioning Window Unit
Residential - New Mechanical
Boiler less than 837 MBTU input
Boiler 837 to 6695 MBTU input
Boilers over 6695 MBTU input
Steam Driver Prime Mover or
Steam Activated Machinery
Shop Inspection of Boiler
Estimated Value (Boiler Repair)
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that to the best of my knowledge, the facts stated in this document are true. I understand that
perjury is a felony of the third degree.
___________________________________ (L.S.)
Page 1 of 2 Revised August 2014