Mail In: Complete form and mail with payment to Registration Office,
MCC, 8900 U.S. Hwy. 14, Crystal Lake, IL 60012
Fax: Complete form and fax with credit card payment to Registration Office, (815) 455-3766.
In-Person: Registration Office, MCC, Room A258.
First Name*: Middle Name: Last Name*:
Birth Date mm/dd/yyyy*: E-mail Address:
Mailing Address*:
City*: State*: Zip*:
Phone Number*: Type*:
Are you Hispanic or Latino?* Yes No Ethnicity*:
Gender* M F Citizenship Country*:
Class/Seminar/Trip Title Class ID# Cost
Classes presented by RAP require current RAP membership. Total $:
NOTE: The College reserves the right to change tuition rates and fees.
Please make checks payable to McHenry County College or use a credit card.
Account #:
VID #: Expiration Date:
Signature of Card Holder:
Mail In: Complete form and mail with payment to Registration Office,
MCC, 8900 U.S. Hwy. 14, Crystal Lake, IL 60012
Fax: Complete form and fax with credit card payment to Registration Office, (815) 455-3766.
In-Person: Registration Office, MCC, Room A258.
Phone: (815) 455-8588
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