California State University, Chico
To meet CSU, Chico satisfactory academic progress requirements, you are expected to complete a degree or credential program
within a maximum allowable time frame. The maximum allowable time frame is reached for undergraduates who have attempted
180 units, and graduates and/or credential students who have attempted 60 post baccalaureate units. You are ineligible for all types
of financial aid, including grants, work-study and loans when you reach the maximum allowable time frame.
Once you have reached or exceeded the maximum allowable units attempted, CSU, Chico will consider funding only for courses
required to complete major, graduate program, credential, or general education requirements. Important note: According to
graduation guidelines administered by the CSU, Chico Academic Advising Office, undergraduates who have completed 140 or more
units toward their bachelors degree must apply for graduation or have a graduation contract on file with Academic Advising
Programs. The Financial Aid and Scholarship Office requires that undergraduates complete this process before submitting a
Maximum Units Appeal.
Non-fundable conditions:
In most cases, students will not be funded to finish second majors, minors, options, or courses taken for personal
enrichment or to raise cumulative GPA unless they can demonstrate the courses are necessary for future employment.
Prerequisites for credential or graduate programs generally will not be funded for under gr aduate students who have
exceeded the maximum time frame for a degree unless the courses also meet major or general education requirements.
Repeating coursework a second time after passing with a D or better. (You can repeat 1 time.)
Maximum Units Appeal
Complete with black or blue ink.
2. What is your anticipated completion date for your current degree objective? _____________ ______________
Semester Year
3. Have you applied for graduation? Yes No
If no, this must be done as soon as possible to verify remaining requirements.
Directions to Complete this Appeal
1. What is your current degree objective?
Undergraduate: B.A. or B. S. Major _________________________________________________
Major 2 ________________________________________________
(may not be funded)
Graduate: Credential, M.A. or M.S. - Program of study _________________________________________
To be considered for financial aid, please complete and return both pages of this appeal to the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office,
with all required documents attached. You must submit your appeal by census date (Fall 2019: September 20, 2019; Spring 2020:
February 14, 2020) in order to be reinstated for aid during that term. Incomplete appeals will not be processed.
If we approve your appeal, you must finish the Program Plan you submitted. If you do not take or pass the required courses
submitted on the Program Plan, we may not be able to consider future extensions of your appeal. Evaluation of this appeal may take
up to eight weeks. You must pay registration fees by the fee payment deadline to prevent being dropped from your classes. You will
receive notice of our decision by mail. Please contact us if you have questions.
Note: We will also evaluate your satisfactory academic pr ogr ess based on cumulative unit completion r ate (PACE) and
minimum cumulative GPA requirements to determine future funding. Cumulative units include all attempted college units. You are
required to read the SAP policy at:
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Street City State Zip
RETURN TO: Student Services Ctr . 250
Financial Aid and Scholarship Office
Chico, CA 95929-0705
Phone: 530-898-6451 Fax: 530-898-6883
Student Last Name: Student First Name:
Chico State ID: Phone:
4. Required Documentation
- Personal Statement: Attach a personal statement explaining why you have accumulated and/or attempted ex-
cess units for your degree. If you have taken or plan to take courses that are not required, give your reasons for taking
them. Indicate if you have changed your major or program, and if so, why.
- Program Plan: Complete and submit the Progr am Plan (see page 2). List only the courses needed to complete
your degree and indicate what requirements the courses fulfill. You and your academic advisor(s) must sign the plan
for it to be considered complete.
Student's Name: ________________________________ Chico State ID:_________________
1. List only the courses required to complete your degree and the semester each will be completed.
2. Mark any repeated courses with an asterisk to the left of the course name.
3. Under Requirement, indicate why the course is required using the following abbreviations:
GE for general education
MAJ for major, credential, or graduate program requirement
MAJ2 (may not be funded)
MIN for minor requirement
PRE for prerequisite
EL for elective
4. Enter your expected graduation date, based on this plan.
5. Take this Program Plan to your academic program advisor for approval and signature.
Fall 20_____ Spring 20_____ Summer 20____
Course # of Units Requirement Course # of Units Requirement Course # of Units Requirement
Pols 055 3 GE
Total Total Total
Fall 20_____ Spring 20_____ Summer 20____
Course # of Units Requirement Course # of Units Requirement Course # of Units Requirement
Total Total Total
Expected graduation date: ____________________
semester year
I certify that the courses listed above are the remaining requirements for the student's degree.
Major or program advisor's signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________
Advisor's name (printed): ______________________________ Advisor's phone number: ______________
Advisor's e-mail: ______________________________________________
2nd Major or program advisor's signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________
Advisor's name (printed): ______________________________ Advisor's phone number: ______________
Advisor's e-mail: ______________________________________________
I confirm that these courses are the remaining requirements for my degree.
Student signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________
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