Maury Clancy Indian Campership Fund
Indian Campership Projection Form
The purpose of the Maury Clancy Indian
Campership Fund is to give Boy Scouts of
American Indian heritage the opportunity to
attend an approved council long-term camp
program. Since the funds creation in 1971 the
program has assisted thousands of Scouts in
attending a council longterm camp.
Order of the Arrow lodges and sections
may contribute “at will” to the fund thereby
increasing the fund and allowing for more
camperships to be awarded. Donations may
be forwarded to the section, or mailed to the
national director, Order of the Arrow.
Campership funds will be provided for a
maximum of 50% of the cost of one (1) week
at an ocial Boy Scouts of America long-term
camp. The volume of requests determines
the percentage of camp fee reimbursement
which could be less than the maximum (50%)
To be eligible, a youth must be recognized as
being of American Indian heritage and in need
of financial assistance.
Pre-approval should be obtained by
submitting annually the following preliminary
form by June 15th by email or mail. The form
can be emailed to Matt Dukeman at Matt.
Dukeman@Scouting.org or mailed to the
address listed at the bottom of this form.
(Attention: Matt Dukeman, National Director–
Phone: 972-580-7846).
Requests should be submitted by local Boy
Scout councils after the Scout attends an
ocial BSA long-term camp.
Order of the Arrow
Boy Scouts of America
1325 Walnut Hill Lane
P O Box 152079
Irving, TX 75015-2079
Council Headquarters City and Number _________________________________________
Projected Number of American Indian Scouts Attending Summer Camp ________________
Tribe ____________________________ # of Campers ____________________________
Tribe ____________________________ # of Campers ____________________________
Tribe ____________________________ # of Campers ____________________________
Scout Executive Signature ____________________________________________________
Council Contact Person ______________________ Email __________________________
Position ______________________
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