Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Professional Experience: Informing Professional Practice
20 days
Pre-service Teacher:
Student ID Number:
Year level taught:
For satisfactory completion of this Professional Experience, the pre-service teachers should
demonstrate they have met the given Australian Professional Standards for Teachers standards at
a developing level for pre-service teachers. Please complete all sections of the report including
an assessment grade and written feedback in each section, an overall result, a signature and the
acknowledgement that the number of days has been completed.
This report must be completed on day 20.
Supervising Teacher Comments
Not developing adequately (ND), Developing adequately (D), Well developed (WD)
Section 1: Planning Effectively Preparation for Teaching
Written Feedback
1.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical,
social and intellectual development and characteristics of
students and how these may affect learning.
Eg. Demonstrates an understanding of the relevance of
responding to students’ individual characteristics and
developmental stage through the use of modifications in
lessons and assessments for individuals and groups of
1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are
responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students
from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and
socioeconomic backgrounds.
Eg. Plans for and respects the diversity of all students in
the classroom and makes connections between aspects
of a lesson and students’ own contexts.
1.5 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strategies
for differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning
needs of students across the full range of abilities.
Eg. Demonstrates, through lesson plans, an appropriate
differentiation of content and/or teaching and learning
strategies and/or resources that cater for differing ability
2.2 Organise content into an effective learning and teaching
Eg. Organises lesson content and teaching and learning
strategies into a logical sequence over a series of
lessons/learning experiences that demonstrates an
understanding of the need for scaffolding learning.
2.3 Use curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to
design learning sequences and lesson plans.
Eg. Uses relevant curriculum documents to develop a
sequence of lessons/learning experiences. These should
demonstrate an understanding of the related assessment
tasks and the monitoring of student learning in relation
to these.
2.5 Know and understand literacy and numeracy teaching
strategies and their application in teaching areas.
Eg. Uses explicit teaching and/or modeling of literacy or
numeracy skills.
3.1 Set learning goals that provide achievable challenges for
students of varying abilities and characteristics.
Eg. Develops a sequence of lessons with explicit,
challenging and achievable learning goals.
3.2 Plan lesson sequences using knowledge of student
learning, content and effective teaching strategies.
Eg. Plans lesson sequences that incorporate a range of
teaching and learning strategies that display content and
pedagogical content knowledge and effective sequencing.
Overall assessment of this section
Section 2: Teaching Effectively Enactment of Teaching
Written Feedback
2.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
concepts, substance and structure of the content and
teaching strategies of the teaching area.
Eg. Demonstrates appropriate knowledge of the central
concepts of subject matter through lesson planning,
explanation and linking of content and outcomes to
syllabus documents.
2.6 Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand
curriculum learning opportunities for students.
Eg. Uses digital resources and tools to support and
enhance student learning.
3.3 Include a range of teaching strategies.
Eg. Lessons consistently use a variety of strategies that
are appropriate to the content being taught and/or skills
being developed.
3.4 Demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including
ICT, that engage students in their learning.
Eg. Utilises knowledge of students’ strengths, needs and
interests in the appropriate selection of resources,
including ICT tools, which will promote student learning.
3.5 Demonstrate a range of verbal and non-verbal
communication strategies to support student engagement.
Eg. Moves beyond vocal and facial expression and
gestures to demonstrating effective questioning skills to
support student learning and engagement.
3.6 Demonstrate broad knowledge of strategies that can be
used to evaluate teaching programs that can be used to
improve student learning.
Eg. Uses student assessment data and reflection on
lessons taught to inform future planning.
6.3 Seek and apply constructive feedback from supervisors
and teachers to improve teaching practices.
Eg. Uses feedback from supervising teacher/s and other
observers to reflect on learning progression and identify
strengths and weaknesses and implement strategies to
aid progress.
Overall assessment of this section
Section 3: Managing Effectively Create safe and supportive
learning environments
Written Feedback
4.1 Identify strategies to support inclusive student
participation and engagement in classroom activities.
Eg. Uses a range of strategies to promote the
participation of all students in an activity.
4.2 Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities
and provide clear directions.
Eg. Uses clear instructions, established rules and
expectations and organised routines to support
transitions and activities, including effective time
4.3 Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to
manage challenging behavior.
Eg. Use of essential skills and other strategies to support
on-task behaviour and prevent and correct off-task
Overall assessment of this section
Section 4: Assessing and recording learning
Written Feedback
5.1 Demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies,
including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and
summative approaches to assess student learning.
Eg. Plans lessons and learning experiences which include
formative assessment strategies in order to identify the
learning that has or has not occurred.
5.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of
providing timely and appropriate feedback to students
about their learning.
Eg. Uses oral and written communication to provide
feedback to students about their learning.
5.3 Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation
and its application to support consistent and
comparable judgements of student learning.
Eg. Shows an understanding, through observation
notes and reflections, of how assessment is
moderated to ensure consistent and comparable
judgements are made.
5.4 Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assessment
data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching
Eg. Use of planned questions/activities that allow for a
check of student understanding in order to respond to
their learning needs.
5.5 Demonstrate understanding of a range of strategies for
reporting to students and parents/ carers and the
purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of
student achievement.
Eg. Discusses student achievement with the
supervising teacher and is familiar with the school’s
reporting procedures and policies.
Overall assessment of this section
Section 5: Professional conduct
4.4 Describe strategies that support students’ wellbeing and
safety working within school and/ or system, curriculum
and legislative requirements.
Eg. Records student attendance, absence and safety
concerns as required.
4.5 Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant issues
and the strategies available to support the safe,
responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and
Eg. Understands strategies which promote safe,
responsible and ethical use of ICT.
7.1 Understand and apply the key principles described in
codes of ethics and conduct for the teaching profession.
Eg. Applies key principles of codes of conduct and ethics
for teachers through a high level of personal
presentation, professional communication and conduct
and appropriate interactions with students.
7.2 Understand the relevant legislative, administrative and
organizational policies and processes required for teachers
according to school stage.
Eg. Applies school/system organisational processes and
polices to own conduct and practice and understands
mandatory reporting requirements.
7.4 Understand the role of external professionals and
community representatives in broadening teachers’
professional knowledge and practice.
Eg. Demonstrates a willingness to participate with
school staff in a range of activities.
Overall assessment of this section
Professional Experience Result
Supervising Teacher:
QUT Pre-Service
A pre-service teacher must receive
only developing adequately (D) or
well developed (WD) in each section
to be deemed as satisfactory overall
for the Professional Experience.
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