Master of Science in Education
in Educational Leadership
Recommendation Form
Office Use Only
Date Received
Applicant’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Person Providing Reference: _______________________________________ Position: _______________________________
How long have you known this person? _____ In what capacity? _________________________________________________________
Our M.S. Ed. in Educational Leadership is designed specifically for educators who wish to become leaders in their classrooms, schools,
districts, or other educational settings. We are looking for educators with the potential to become leaders; and who would benefit from a
program designed to build these skills and characteristics.
| N= Not Observed | 1= Not yet present | 2= Emerging | 3= Progressing | 4= Applying | 5= Innovating |
Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning
The applicant is well versed in adult learning theory and uses that knowledge to create a community of collective responsibility
within his or her school. In promoting this collaborative culture among fellow teachers, administrators, and other school leaders, the
applicant ensures improvement in educator instruction and, consequently, student learning.
Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning
The applicant keeps abreast of the latest research about teaching effectiveness and student learning, and implements best practices
where appropriate. He or she models the use of systematic inquiry as a critical component of teachers’ ongoing learning and
Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
The applicant understands that the processes of teaching and learning are constantly evolving. The applicant designs and facilitates
job-embedded professional development opportunities that are aligned with school improvement goals.
Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
The applicant possesses a deep understanding of teaching and learning, and models an attitude of continuous learning and reflective
practice for colleagues. The applicant works collaboratively with fellow teachers to constantly improve instructional practices.
Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement
The applicant is knowledgeable about the design of assessments, both formative and summative. He or she works with colleagues to
analyze data and interpret results to inform goals and to improve student learning.
Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
The applicant understands the impact that families, cultures, and communities have on student learning. As a result, the applicant
seeks to promote a sense of partnership among these different groups toward the common goal of excellent education.
Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
The applicant understands the landscape of education policy and can identify key players at the local, state, and national levels. The
applicant advocates for the teaching profession and for policies that benefit student learning.
Please rate his/her capacity for graduate work by selecting the appropriate number on the scale below.
N indicates not observed, 1 indicates need for improvement and 5 indicates an area of strength.
Written and oral communication
Capacity for graduate work
Commitment to lifelong learning
Please return this form to Office of Graduate Studies | 111 South Street | Farmington, ME 04938 | fax to 778-8134 | Email gradstudies@maine.edu
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