Master of Arts in Educational
Site Supervisor General
Responsibilities Form
Site Supervisors serve as the Candidate’s cooperating administrator. The site supervisor must be a New Jersey standard (not
provisional) certified principal, or assistant principal. The supervisor certificate does not qualify one to mentor a principal
intern. More specifically, the site supervisor’s responsibilities are:
1. Review the terms herein and certify that the Administrator is willing to serve as the candidates’ site supervisor by signing
the statement below.
2. Facilitate by providing the candidate with a variety of learning opportunities and tasks that align with the professional
• Setting a widely shared vision for learning;
• Developing a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth;
• Ensuring effective management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning
• Collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and
mobilizing community resources;
Acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner;
• Understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, legal, and cultural contexts; and
Over the course of his/her Educational Leadership Program studies, routinely monitor and attest (signature required)
that the candidate has completed at least 300 building level site based internship hours (or 150 district level
internship hours for the district leadership degree) comprised of learning opportunities aligned with the professional
3. Throughout the course of the candidate’s program, periodically examine the candidate’s portfolio (artifacts and reflections)
and discuss the candidate’s progress in developing his/her portfolio as well as offer suggestions as deemed helpful;
4. Regularly engage the candidate in professional discussions related to the professional standards; and
5. Complete the Site Supervisor Evaluation Survey of Educational Leadership Program Candidates.
As a NJ standard certified principal or assistant principal, I have reviewed the responsibilities of the
Site Supervisor and I agree to serve as the Candidate’s Site Supervisor.
Candidate Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Site Supervisor Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________
Site Supervisor Printed Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Site Supervisor Phone Number: (_____)_______________ Email Address: __________________________________
If you have questions about the Site Supervisor’s responsibilities, please contact:
Thomas Edison State University (609) 777-5680
111 W. State St.
Trenton, NJ 08608