Salt Remediaton Program
Private Well Data From
I. Owner Information
Owner Name:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Zip code
Email Address:
Date Property Purchased:
II. Occupants(s)
Number of Occupant(s) using well:
Address at Well Location:
Home Phone:
Zip code:
Work Phone:
III. Well Type and Use
Well Water Use: (you may choose more than one):
Domestic Agricultural Commercial Industrial
Irrigation Other (specify):
Drilled: Dug: Driven: Other (specify):
Estimated Daily Water Usage for
all purposes in gallons per day:
IV. Well Data
Well Depth:
actual estimate
Screened Interval:
actual estimate
Well Diameter:
actual estimate
Well Yield (gpm):
actual estimate
Well Casing Depth:
actual estimate
Depth to Bedrock:
actual estimate
Well Casing Material:
actual estimate
Date Well Constructed:
actual estimate
Type of Pump: Submersible Jet Shallow Other (specify):
Pump Intake Depth (bgs):
actual estimate
Nominal Pump Capacity (gpm):
I have enclosed a copy of the Well Completion Report and/or Well Driller invoice : yes no
Driller’s Name:
Driller’s Phone:
Driller’s Address:
V. Water Quality
Describe water problems:
When did you first notice water problems?
Did you attach a water analysis from a MassDEP certified laboratory for: Sodium, Calcium,
Chloride, and specific conductance.
Yes No
Date(s) water samples were collected?
If accepted into the program would you like to receive copies of future water
quality results?
Yes No
If Yes, Certified Mail Email
VI. Water Treatment
Do you have any water treatment or filtration equipment? Yes No
If you answered Yes above, include copies of the bills from the installer and the company that services the equipment and
complete the following information.
Name of Installer:
Phone Number:
How much salt is used each year in your water softener?
What chemical is used in your neutralizer?
VII. Diagrams
Attach a Site Map showing the information listed below. You may find a plot plan or site map on file at your local
assessor’s office or board of health.
The location of all property structures, well and septic system including the leaching field;
The location of all abutting properties wells, septic systems, and leaching fields
The state highway(s)
VIII. Certification
I hereby certify that all of the statements and information on and supplied with this application form are true and complete
to the best of my knowledge and belief and that no information necessary to the resolution of this complaint is withheld.
Owners Signature:
Signature of Person Preparing this Form: