Computer Engineering
Breadth and Depth Courses - Assignment Form
(for requirement terms Fall 2014 - present)
The information on this form will be used to adjust CheckMarq records to conform to the
student’s plan of courses completed to meet the Computer Engineering major elective course
breadth and depth requirements.
Return this form to the College of Engineering Advising Office after you have completed
your final semester registration or within 24 hours of completing the on-line Application
for Graduation. Submit a hardcopy of the completed form to the Advising Office or email it to Keep a copy for your records.
MU ID #:
MU advisor name:
To complete this table, enter the course number with the department mnemonic in the
appropriate cells to show that both the breadth and depth requirements have been satisfied. To
show that the breadth requirement is satisfied, there will be at least 3 different courses listed in
the BREADTH column. To show that the depth requirement is satisfied, there will be at least 3
different courses listed in one of the concentration areas (row) – one breadth course plus 2 depth
courses. Use the COEN/Tech Elective row to list the “6
required” elective course if the course
to be used is not in a concentration area (e.g., ELEN 3110).
Individual courses may appear only once in the table.
Concentration Area
(1 course in at least
3 areas)
HW - Hardware
SW - Software
IS - Intelligent Systems
COEN/Tech Elective (6
Office Use only:
AA/Checkmarq adjustment completed:
<initial and date>
\breadth_depth_assignment_forms\breadth_depth_assigment_COEN_2014_v2015.docx (3 Jun 2015)