©Mr. Breitsprecher & BreitLinks (www.breitLinks.com) All Rights Reserved. Business/Economic Simulation Review
Marketing I
Simulation Review Name: __________________________________
1. There is a Business Simulations link at Mr. B’s Biz Ed web (www.myBusinessEd.com).
Please select a game there to play today – if you know of another game that is based on
business decisions and consumer choices (market economy), you may use that game today.
A. Title of Game
B. URL (Please copy and paste from your browser’s address bar)
2. Why did you choose this game instead of another? Please be sure to include a short summary
of the game in your answer.
3. What are some skills or types of decisions that are needed to be successful playing this game?
4. After you have played the game for most of today’s class period, please describe (in general
terms) how you believe you did. (Note: If this is the first time you have played this game,
then it probably takes some time with it to see how the game is programmed to work).
5. Based on your experience, please explain the types of decisions or strategies needed to do
well in this business/economic simulation.