Kern Council of Governments
1401 19
Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 635-2900 Facsimile (661) 324-8215 TTY (661) 832-7433
March 23, 2021
TO: Member Agencies
By: Raquel Pacheco,
Regional Planner
SUBJECT: Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP)
Call for Projects Application Package
On March 18, 2021, the Kern Council of Governments’ (Kern COG) Board of Directors approved a
Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) call for projects. The following items have been
assembled to assist member agency staff applying for RSTP funding. Please see attachment for
more details.
Project Application - The application and instructions are enclosed. The application package
is available on the Kern COG website at Requests should
be summarized on agency (city, county or transit operator) letterhead and should include one
application form for each ranked project. RSTP project applications are due by 5:00 PM on
Thursday, August 12, 2021. Please submit completed application with transmittal letter on
agency letterhead to:
Attn: Raquel Pacheco
Kern Council of Governments
1401 19
St., Suite 300
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Send electronically: digitally Via Dropbox link OR via mail on flash drive
RSTP Policy and Procedure - The Regional Surface Transportation Program Policy and
Procedure, attached, should be used to establish eligibility.
Timeline - In January 2022, a draft RSTP Program of Projects will be submitted to the
Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and the Transportation Planning Policy
Committee for their review. In February 2022, if the RSTP Program of Projects is approved,
these projects will be amended into the 2021 Federal Transportation Improvement Program
(FTIP) and introduced into the Draft 2023 FTIP.
Local Agency Adopted Resolution A resolution where a commitment is made to fund and
implement projects as described in application is required.
Page 2 / RSTP
Proposed Project Review Kern COG staff will be available by appointment April 19
to review proposed project(s). Email or call 661-635-2908 by April 14
set up an appointment. Kern COG staff will provide project development and submittal
Should you have any questions, please contact:
Raquel Pacheco at 661-635-2907 or
Rochelle Invina at 661-635-2908 or
Joseph Stramaglia at 661-635-2914 or
RSTP Project Application
RSTP Project Application Instructions
RSTP Policy and Procedure
Sample Local Agency Resolution
(1) Is the project included in a local agency-adopted resolution supporting the project? YES NO
(2) Does the
proposed project meet basic eligibility requirements? YES NO
Functional Classification:_____________________
3) Project justification. Explain project need in terms of existing infrastructure, impact for service, safety or
any other issue relevant to the project. Please indicate project is reconstruction, rehabilitation or
resurfacing. (Attach to application)
(4) Lead Agen
cy: __________________________________________________________________________
(5) Project description [(Location:) + (Limits) + (;) + (Improvement/Activity)]
(6) Funding Type PE R/W Const. Total
Local ____ $ __ $ __ $ __ $
Local ____ $ __ $ __ $ __ $
State ____ $ __ $ __ $ __ $
Federal ____ $ __ $ __ $ __ $
Total $ __ $ __ $ __ $
(7) Programmi
ng Year by Phase: PE:____________ R/W:___________ Const:___________
(8) Rank:__________
Application completed by: Date Completed:
E-mail: Phone Number:
Send completed application with transmittal letter on agency letterhead to:
Attn: Raquel Pacheco Kern Council of Governments, 1401 19th Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301
Electronically on a flash drive OR send Digitally via Dropbox, click here
Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP)
PROJECT APPLICATION Due Thursday, August 12, 2021
*Please note this is a PDF fillable form so responses may be typed. Items 1, 2, and 7 are drop downs. Totals in item 6 will automatically calculate.
CRS Map Number:_____
Yes or No?
Yes or No?
Select Year
Select Year
Select Year
1. Resolution requirement – All projects submitted for funding must be included in a local agency‐adopted
resolutionwhereacommitmentismadetofundandimplementprojects as described in applications. A
2. Eligibilityrequirements–Chapter4oftheKernCOGProjectDeliveryPoliciesandProceduresmanualprovides
For functional classification and CRS maps, visit‐innovation‐
3. Projectbackgroundandjustification‐Apurposeandneedstatementfortheproject,nolongerthanonepage.
Provide relevant information about the need for the project, safety issues, service issues or any other
4. Lead agency ‐ The lead agency is the same agency that will be responsible for delivering the project. That
5. Project description – The project scope description should provide information related to the limits and
6. Fundinginformation– Fundingtyperefersto revenue sourcedescriptionsuch as:generalfund,impact fee,
theproposedproject, indicatethatinthetable aswell.Federalaidfundingmaybematchedwithlocaland
7. Programmingyear–Projectswillbeprogrammedeitherinfederalfiscalyear22/23or23/24.Thefederalfiscal
year begins October 1 each year and ends on September 30
of the following year. It is imperative that a
Chapter 2 Implementation Procedures Overview of the Kern COG ProjectDeliveryPoliciesandProcedures
8. Rank–Indicatetherankingfromtheleadagencylistofprojects.
Chapter 4: Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP)
Kern Council of Governments
Chapter 4
Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP)
Background …………………………………………………………………………………………… 4-1
Development Timeline………………………………………………………………………….. 4-2
Figure 4-A: RSTP Milestones for Project Submittal & Approval......... 4-2
Programming Guidance ………………………………………………………………………… 4-3
Screening Criteria………………………………………………………………………………….. 4-3
Project Eligibility……………………………..………………….……………………………….. 4-4
The Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) was established by the Intermodal Surface
Transportation Act of 1991 (1991 ISTEA, Public Law 102-240) and was continued by the
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21, Public Law 105-178) and the Safe,
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) under
23 U.S.C. 149. SAFETEA-LU was scheduled to expire on September 30, 2009, but was extended
through September 30, 2012. On July 6, 2012, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21
Act (MAP-21) was signed into law and continues RSTP and all previous eligible activities including
road rehabilitation. MAP-21 provides funding over a two-year period starting October 1, 2012
(FY12-13) and ending September 30, 2014 (FY 13-14).
The RSTP program can be used to maintain and improve the existing transportation system,
expand the system to reduce congestion, and to establish programs and projects that will assist
the region in reducing mobile emissions and help meet federal air quality standards. RSTP funds
are reimbursable federal aid funds, subject to all the requirements of Title 23, United States code.
Eligible costs for funds under these programs include preliminary engineering, right-of-way
acquisition, capital costs, and construction costs associated with an eligible activity.
Developing policies, procedures and criteria to program RSTP projects provides a consistent
framework to develop projects for inclusion in the Federal Transportation Improvement
Program. The federal-aid process involved in implementing transportation projects requires
Chapter 4: Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP)
Kern Council of Governments
substantial effort from the project lead agency in submitting required information for federal-aid
reimbursement as projects are executed.
The policies, procedures and criteria should be used to develop a regionally balanced
program of projects while building consensus among member agencies throughout the
Building consensus at the Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) level is
necessary before presenting a final list of proposed projects to the Transportation Planning
Policy Committee (TPPC) and Kern Council of Governments (KCOG) Board for their approval.
Approval by the TPPC is the final determination that consensus is achieved for the program
of projects.
Development Timeline
After funding allocations for RSTP are determined by Caltrans, KCOG shall initiate a “Call for
Projects” to develop new projects for inclusion into the Federal Transportation Improvement
Program (FTIP), either by amendment into a current FTIP or included as part of the development
of a new FTIP. TTAC meets monthly to review transportation items and recommend actions to
the TPPC. Figure 4-A below provides a list of events leading up to the programming of new RSTP
projects in the FTIP. The schedule reflects a ten-month time span from the call for projects to
inclusion in the FTIP.
Figure 4-A: RSTP Milestones for Project Submittal & Approval
RSTP Milestones
Month 1, Year 1
RSTP Allocation estimates received from Caltrans;
Month 2, Year 2
Issue a call for projects (4 months);
Month 7, Year 2
Project submittal deadline;
Month 8, Year 2
Evaluate and rank applicable projects;
Develop draft program of projects
Month 9, Year 2
Draft program of projects is reviewed by TTAC;
Month 9, Year 2
Draft program of projects is reviewed by TPPC;
Month 10, Year 2
Request recommendation of approval by TTAC of Final List of Projects;
Month 10, Year 2
Hold public hearing and request TPPC approval on Final List of Projects.
Note: Additional cycles may be implemented at the discretion of KCOG staff that follows the
time frame as defined above. Even year = Year 1; Odd year = Year 2
Chapter 4: Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP)
Kern Council of Governments
Programming Guidance
The following policy guidance shall direct the programming of available RSTP funding:
RSTP funding shall be used for eligible RSTP projects submitted by each member agency.
Estimated RSTP funds shall be distributed based on project eligibility, and current population
The RSTP program is not a grant or formula-driven program. Population percentages shall be
used as a fair-share guidance, to assemble a program of projects for inclusion into the FTIP.
Agencies must demonstrate the ability to process projects in a timely manner, so that funding
is not lost to the Kern region due to delays or mismanagement.
KCOG shall retain the right to redirect program funding to other agencies so as not to lose
funding to the Kern region.
A regional RSTP project may be nominated by the KCOG Board for review by the TTAC / TPPC
for possible inclusion into the FTIP.
Screening Criteria
Proposed RSTP projects must meet all of the following screening requirements, where applicable.
If a proposal meets all of the applicable criteria, it is eligible for prioritization; if not, it cannot be
considered for funding.
Project must be included in a local agency-adopted resolution supporting the project.
Project is eligible for RSTP funding as set forth in 23 USC 133(b), as amended.
Project applicant is either a public agency, i.e. city, county, Caltrans, transit operator, transit
authority, or a nonprofit agency or group with the sponsorship of a public agency.
Successful project applicants or their sponsors must have executed a master agreement with
Caltrans in order to be authorized to expend funds for reimbursement under this program.
Agencies without a master agreement will either need to obtain one or the sponsorship of an
agency that does have one.
Road projects must have a functional classification of urban collector, or major rural
collectors or higher.
The project must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.
The project must be consistent with the currently approved Regional Transportation Plan.
Chapter 4: Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP)
Kern Council of Governments
The applicant or their sponsor must have financial capacity to complete, operate and
maintain the project.
Funds required from other sources must be reasonably expected to be available within the
time frame needed to carry out the project.
Project Eligibility
RSTP funds may be used on federal-aid roads classified above the level of a local road in urban
areas or above a minor collector in rural areas. Listed below are eligible projects:
Construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, resurfacing, restoration, and operational
improvements for highways and bridges;
Capital costs for transit projects and publicly owned intracity or intercity bus terminals and
Car pool projects, fringe and corridor parking facilities and programs; and bicycle
transportation and pedestrian walkways;
Highway and transit safety improvements and programs, hazardous elimination, projects to
mitigate hazards caused by wildfire, and railway-highway grade crossings;
Highway and transit research and development, and technology transfer programs;
Capital and operating costs for traffic monitoring, management, and control facilities and
Surface transportation planning programs;
Transportation enhancement (TE) projects;
Transportation control measures (TCMs);
Participation in wetlands mitigation efforts.
Resolution of Local Support
Resolution No.
Authorizing the filing of an application for (INSERT FUNDING PROGRAM NAME HERE) funding and
committing the necessary local match and stating the assurance to complete the project
The (INSERT APPLICANT NAME HERE) (herein referred to as APPLICANT) is submitting an
application to the Kern Council of Governments (Kern COG) for (INSERT FUNDING $ AMOUNT
HERE) in funding from the (INSERT FUNDING PROGRAM NAME HERE) program for the (INSERT
PROJECT TITLE(S) HERE) (herein referred to as PROJECT); and
APPLICANT has the financial capacity to complete, operate and maintain the project;
APPLICANT will ensure that funds required from other sources will be reasonably
expected to be available on the time frame needed to carry out the project; and
APPLICANT is authorized to execute and file an application for funding the PROJECT
APPLICANT, by adopting this resolution, does hereby state that:
1. APPLICANT will provide ($ minimum match amount) in local matching funds; and
2. APPLICANT understands that the (INSERT FUNDING PROGRAM NAME HERE) funding
for the project is fixed at the approved programmed amount, and that any cost
increases must be funded by the APPLICANT from other funds, and that APPLICANT
does not expect any cost increases to be funded
with additional (INSERT FUNDING
PROGRAM NAME HERE) funding; and
3. APPLICANT understands the funding deadlines associated with these funds and will
comply with the program implementation procedures described in Chapter 2 of the
Kern COG Project Delivery Policies and Procedures manual; and
4. PROJECT will be implemented as described in the complete application and in this
resolution and, if approved, for the amount programmed in the FTIP; and
5. APPLICANT and the PROJECT will comply with the requirements as set forth in the
program; and
APPLICANT authorizes its Executive Director, General Manager, or designee to execute
and file an application with Kern COG for (INSERT FUNDING PROGRAM NAME HERE) funding for
the PROJECT as referenced in this resolution.