Student’s Name ______________________________ Student’s ID _______________ Revised 5/5/20
Tech. Studies: Manufacturing Machine Tech
Associate in Science Degree
College of Technology Transfer-Oriented Program
This program is a College of Technology Transfer-Oriented Degree that is intended to be completed before you continue your
education at the baccalaureate level. Individual articulation agreements may exist with specific universities so that your degree
is completely accepted with all credits transferring. Please check with your Academic Advisor to ensure you enroll in the
appropriate courses to ensure seamless transfer to your intended transfer institution.
First Semester (Fall) – 15 or 16 credits
Gen Ed: Written Communication
ENG*101 (or ENG*101E): Composition
Gen Ed: Historical Knowledge
Choose one of the following:
MFG*124: Blueprint Reading I
EGR*112: Engineering Drawings Specifications
MFG*150: Introduction to Machine Technology
GEO*, POL*, HIS* Elective:
Second Semester (Spring) – 16 or 17 credits
Choose one of the following:
CAD*110: Introduction to CAD
CAD*220: Parametric Design
Gen Ed: Scientific Knowledge &
Choose one of the following:
CHE*111: Concepts of Chemistry
CHE*121: General Chemistry I
Choose one of the following:
MFG*202: Precision Machining
MFG*165: Intermediate Machine Technology**
MFG*203: Precision Machining Lab
Not required if student is co-enrolled in, or has
completed, MFG*165
Gen Ed: Oral Communication
Gen Ed: Economics (ECN*) Elective
Third Semester (Fall) – 17 credits
Gen Ed: Written Communication
ENG*202: Technical Writing
Gen Ed: Quantitative Reasoning
MAT*167: Principles of Statistics
Gen Ed: Scientific Reasoning
Choose from one of the following:
PHY*110: Introductory Physics
PHY*121: General Physics
MFG*239: Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing
Fourth Semester (Spring) – 18 or 19 credits
Gen Ed: Aesthetic Dimension
QUA*114: Principles of Quality Assurance
Choose one of the following:
MFG*105: Manufacturing Math II
MAT*186: Pre-Calculus
MFG*256: Manufacturing Machinery CNC II
Program Requirement: Philosophy
(PHL*) Elective
**MxCC does not offer this course. Please see your advisor in order to discuss taking this course at an alternate location.