We dene frequency as the average time between handling individual objects.
Frequency can be confusing when more than one task component is present. For
example, lifting an object, carrying it a distance, and putting it back down. In our
example, if objects are lifted, carried, and lowered within a job cycle time of 30 seconds,
the frequency would be 30 seconds for the lift, 30 seconds for the carry, and 30 seconds
for the lower.
Important Considerations
A word of caution about using the Tables. Do not evaluate tasks based solely on
population percentages. Other important considerations include the following:
■ Injuries: Any job that is producing injuries is a good candidate for redesign.
■ Bending: Any task that begins or ends with the hands below knuckle
height presents some degree of risk. The deeper the bending
motion, the greater is the physical stress on the low back. Frequent
bending, regardless of weight, is not recommended.
■ Twisting: This motion puts uneven forces on the back, thereby, presenting additional
physical stress. The greater the twist, the more physically stressful the task.
■ Reaching: The distance away from the body that a load is held
greatly affects the forces on the back, shoulders, and arms. The
farther the reach, the more physically stressful the task
■ One-Handed Lifts: The Tables cannot be used to evaluate one-
handed tasks. By nature, these tasks place uneven loads on the back
and present a greater physical stress than two-handed lifts
■ Handholds: Inability to get a good grip on the load
presents a greater physical stress.
■ Catching or Throwing Items: The Tables cannot be used to evaluate
these types of tasks. Any task involving catching or throwing items is
physically stressful and, therefore, a good candidate for redesign.
Population Percentages
The population percentages in these Tables are based on weights selected by subjects
in the laboratory working as hard as they could without straining themselves, or without
becoming unusually tired, weakened, overheated, or out of breath. Jobs designed
ergonomically should t most workers. That is why 75 percent of the female work
population is used as a design starting point.
■ Do not use population percentages in the Tables to determine whether male or
female workers can perform certain jobs and then place workers accordingly.
■ Use the Tables to design manual handling jobs with physical requirements so
that as many workers as possible can perform them without risk of injury.
As previously mentioned, effectively using the Tables requires training in ergonomics
and task evaluation methods. Users of the Tables should be trained in collecting hand
distance, lifting distance, and task frequency measurements. Liberty Mutual Group
workers compensation insured customers may contact their Risk Control Consultant or
the Risk Control Consulting Center for more information.
Ciriello, V. M. (2001). The effects of box
size, vertical distance, and height on
lowering tasks. International Journal
of Industrial Ergonomics, 28:61- 67.
Ciriello, V. M. & Snook, S. H. (1983).
A study of size, distance, height, and
frequency effects on manual handling
tasks. Human Factors, 25:5, 1983.
Ciriello, V. M., Snook, S. H., &
Hughes, G. (1993). Further studies of
psychophysically determined maximum
acceptable weights and forces.
Human Factors, 35:11, 175-186.
Ciriello, V. M., Snook, S. H., Blick,
A. C., & Wilkinson, P. L. (1990).
The effects of task duration on
maximum acceptable weights and
forces. Ergonomics, 33:2, 187-200.
Ciriello, V.M., McGorry, R.W.,
Martin, S., & Bezverkhny, I.B. (1999).
Maximum acceptable forces of
dynamic pushing: comparison of two
techniques. Ergonomics, 42:1, 32-39.
Snook, S.H. (1978). The design
of manual handling tasks.
Ergonomics, 21:12-963-985.
Snook, S. H., & Ciriello, V. M. (1991).
The design of manual handling
tasks: revised tables of maximum
acceptable weights and forces.
Ergonomics, 34:9 1197-1213.
Waters, T.R., Putz-Anderson, V.,
& Garg, A.. (1994). Applications
Manual for the Revised NIOSH Lifting
Equation. U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, Centers for
Disease Control, Cincinnati, OH,
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 94-110.
The illustrations, instructions, and principles contained in the material are general in scope and, to the best of our knowledge, current
at the time of publication. Our risk control services are advisory only. We assume no responsibility for: managing or controlling
customer safety activities, implementing any recommended corrective measures, or identifying all potential hazards.
No attempt has been made to interpret any referenced codes, standards, or regulations. Please refer to the appropriate government
authority for interpretation or clarication.
Insurance underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. or its afliates or subsidiaries.
© 2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance, 175 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116. RC 5812 07/17