Manager’s Certificate information
What is a manager’s certificate?
A manager’s certificate allows the holder to be appointed
as a duty manager of licensed premises for the purposes
of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. A certificated
manager must be on duty at all times when alcohol is
being sold or supplied to the public on any licensed
The obligations of a duty manager
The duty manager is responsible for the compliance with
and enforcement of the provisions of the act and the
conditions of the licence in force on the premises. While
on duty, the name of the manager must be prominently
Making an application for manager’s certificate
Applicants must be 20 years of age or over. Complete
an application form and ensure all required
documentation is attached as outlined in the application
checklist. Incomplete applications will be returned.
Your suitability to hold a manager’s certificate will be
assessed in accordance with the following criteria:
• Character and reputation
• Any previous convictions recorded
• Experience working on licensed premises - a
reasonable amount of recent experience is
required, usually at least six months
• Relevant training and qualifications – applicants
are required to have the Licence Controller
Qualification (LCQ)
• You must be currently working in the alcohol
Licence Controller Qualification (LCQ)
All applicants must obtain the LCQ before you can hold
a manager's certificate. The qualification consists of two
NZQA unit standards:
4646: Demonstrate knowledge of the Sale and
Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 and its
implications for licensed premises
16705: Demonstrate knowledge of host responsibility
requirements as a duty manager of licensed
For further information, see the Service IQ website:
LCQ Bridging Test
The LCQ Bridging Test was an online test for people
who completed their LCQ training under the repealed
Sale of Liquor Act 1989. It was available from 18
December 2013 until 31 January 2017.
If you obtained your LCQ before December 2013 under
the Sale of Liquor Act 1989 and did not complete the
bridging test within the above dates, you will need to
complete the LCQ course again under the new Act.
If you have already completed the LCQ Bridging Test, you
can obtain a copy of your completion certificate at
The application process
Applications can take approximately 4-6 weeks to process,
or longer if there is any opposition. A copy of the application
is sent to the Police and the Licensing Inspector who will
report on the application. You will be required to attend an
interview with the Licensing Inspector, which will include a
test on the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. You will be
contacted after your application has been received to
arrange an appointment. Please allow up to three weeks for
us to contact you for an interview.
Finally, once all documentation and reports are received, the
application is then put before the District Licensing
Committee (DLC) for their decision. If your application is
opposed, a hearing may be required. You will receive
notification of the DLC's decision via mail.
Renewal applications
All manager's certificates expire after an initial 12 month
period, unless you apply to renew it. It is responsibility of
the manager's certificate holder to ensure the
application for renewal is made before it expires. An
expired certificate cannot be renewed. If your certificate
expires, you will need to make an application for a new
manager’s certificate again. Once your certificate is
renewed, it will be valid for another three years before it
needs to be renewed again.
Suspension/cancellation of manager’s certificate
The police or licensing inspector can apply to the Alcohol
Regulatory and Licensing Authority (ARLA) to suspend or
cancel a manager’s certificate if they believe that the
manager failed to conduct licensed premises in a proper
manner or the conduct of the manager indicates that he or
she is not a suitable person to hold a manager’s certificate.
Temporary manager
A temporary manager can be appointed if a manager is ill
or absent for any reason, or resigns. The licensee may
appoint a person who is not the holder of a manager’s
certificate as a temporary manager. A Notice of
Management Change must be completed by the licensee
and sent to the DLC and police. If the DLC does not
approve of the appointment, they have five working days to
advise of this.
The person appointed as a temporary manager must apply
for a manager’s certificate within two working days. He or
she may then continue as a temporary manager until the
application for a manager’s certificate is determined.
Acting manager
An acting manager can be appointed when a manager
is ill or absent for a maximum of three weeks. It is not
necessary for this person to apply for a manager’s
certificate. Once again the Notice of Management
Change must be completed by the licensee and sent to
the DLC and Police.