Managed Care: INDIVIDUAL Stand-Alone Dental and Vision (Rev. 010518) Page 12
(a) The health, Dental or Vision Care Services and any other Benefits to which the Insured is
entitled on a nondiscriminatory basis, including Benefits mandated by state or federal law;
(d) The limitations on the scope of:
2. Dental or Vision Care Services and any other Benefits to be provided, including an
explanation of any deductible or copayment feature.
(e) All restrictions relating to preexisting condition limitations or exclusions, or a statement
that there are no preexisting condition limitations or exclusions if there are none under the
Health, Dental or Vision Benefit Plan;
(g) A description of eligibility of coverage for dependents, including a summary description of
the procedure by which dependents may be added to the plan;
(h) The criteria by which an Insured may be disenrolled or denied enrollment. 211 CMR
52.13(3)(h) shall apply to Carriers, including Dental and Vision Carriers.
(i) The involuntary disenrollment rate among Insureds of the Carrier. 211 CMR 52.13(3)(i)
shall apply to Carriers, including Dental and Vision Carriers.
1. For the purposes of 211 CMR 52.13(3)(i), Carriers shall exclude all Administrative
Disenrollments, Insureds who are disenrolled because they have moved out of a health
plan's Service Area, Insureds whose continuation of coverage periods have expired,
former dependents who no longer qualify as dependents, or Insureds who lose coverage
under an employer-sponsored plan because they have ceased employment or because
their employer group has cancelled coverage under the plan, reduced the numbers of
hours worked, become disabled, retired or died.
2. For the purposes of 211 CMR 52.13(3)(i), the term "involuntary disenrollment"
means that a Carrier has terminated the coverage of the Insured due to any of the
reasons contained in 211 CMR 52.13(3)(j)2. and 3.
[211 CMR 52.14(1)( c)]
(c) the voluntary and involuntary disenrollment rate among Insureds of the Carrier;
1. For the purposes of 211 CMR 52.14(1)(c), Carriers shall exclude all Administrative
Disenrollments, Insureds who are disenrolled because they have moved out of a health
plan's Service Area, Insureds whose continuation of coverage periods have expired,
former dependents who no longer qualify as dependents, or Insureds who lose coverage
under an employer-sponsored plan because they have ceased employment or because
their employer group has cancelled coverage under the plan, reduced the numbers of
hours worked, retired or died.
2. For the purposes of 211 CMR 52.14(1)(c), the term "voluntary disenrollment" means
that an Insured has terminated coverage with the Carrier by nonpayment of premium.
3. For the purposes of 211 CMR 52.14(1)(c), the term "involuntary disenrollment"
means that a Carrier has terminated the coverage of the Insured due to any of the
reasons contained in 211 CMR 52.13(3)(j)2. and 3.]
(k) A description of the Carrier's, including a Dental or Vision Carrier's, method for resolving
Insured Inquiries and Complaints. For a Health Benefit Plan, this description shall include a
description of the internal Grievance process and the external review process consistent with
958 CMR 3.000: Health Insurance Consumer Protection, including a description of the