Make a Budget
Use this worksheet to see how much money you spend this month. Then, use this month’s
informaon to help you plan next month’s budget.
Some bills are monthly and some come less oen. If you have an expense that does not occur
every month, put it in the “Other expenses this month” category.
My income this month
Income Monthly total
Paychecks (salary aer taxes, benets, and check cashing fees) $
Other income (aer taxes) for example: child support $
Total monthly income
My expenses this month
Expenses Monthly total
Rent or mortgage $
Renter's insurance or homeowner's insurance $
Ulies (like electricity and gas) $
Internet, cable, and phones $
Other housing expenses (like property taxes) $
Groceries and household supplies $
Meals out $
Other food expenses $
Public transportaon and taxis $
Gas for car $
Parking and tolls $
Car maintenance (like oil changes) $
Car insurance $
Car loan $
Other transportaon expenses $