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Major Sub-Division applications are applicable for all divisions of land as defined in Chapter §5.5 of the
Planning & Development Regulations of Benton County
Please review Major Sub-Division Regulations prior to application submission (Chapter §5.5). Planning Board
Calendar including meeting schedules (included with Application).
PRE-SUBMISSION CONSULTATION: with the County planning staff is suggested to ensure an efficient site plan
review process and to verify fees. This application is incomplete until a Planner signs below.
Name of Planning staff Date of consultation
Application checklist
Completed application with notarized original signatures
Fee- see codified Fee Schedule
Written Description of the proposal including a compatibility analysis
Initial submission: Site Plans to scale - 15 copies 18”x24”, 1 copy 11”x17”
*Confirm size with Planning Staff
Final Approved Plan: 4 originals, no greater than 18”x24”, 1 copy 11”x17”
All applicable forms as required (Forms A-G).
Service Agreement Forms (Form F) - Water, Electricity, Septic maintenance,
Landscaping, Fire Protection, Solid Waste. Others as applicable to specific
projects. Notification Letter (Review with staff prior to Mailing) (Form G)
Notification Letter (Review with staff prior to Mailing) (Form G)
Submit all applicable State and Federal Permits
Electronic versions of all materials, drawings and completed application
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) and Erosion Control Plan
Landscaping installation & Maintenance Plan
Certified Mail Receipts and Posting sign on the property for the duration of
Any additional materials as needed by Staff or Planning Board.
Benton County Development Department
Planning Division
2113 W. Walnut Street
Rogers, AR 72756
(479) 464-6166
Date Stamp
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For review of Public Hearing & TAC materials visit:
Provide in full the name of the registered owner, agent/ applicant (if different than the owner) contact details. If
the registered owner is a numbered company, provide the name of the principals of the company. If there is more
than one owner, copy this page, complete in full and submit with this application.
An authorized applicant and agent for the owner must attach a notarized letter of authorization from the legal
property owner. Written authorization from the legal property owner is required at the time of application or the
documents will not be accepted.
Note: All communication will be maintained with the Agent unless otherwise requested by the owner in writing.
I certify under penalty of the laws of the State of Arkansas that I am the property owner of the property that is
the subject matter of this application and I am authorizing to and hereby do consent to the filing of this
application, acknowledge that the final approval by Benton County, if any, may result in restrictions,
limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this real property and hereby authorize Benton
County Staff to enter my property for the duration of the review.
Print Name: _________________________________________________________________
Owner/Authorized Agent Signature: ______________________ Date: __________________
State of Arkansas
County of ___________________
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______day of ____________201__.
_____________________________ _____________________________
NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires
Property Owner
Contact Person:
Postal Code:
Applicant (If other than the Property Owner) Please complete Form A, attached
Contact Person:
Postal Code:
Agent Authorized by the Owner to File the Application (if applicable) Please complete Form B, attached
Contact Person:
Postal Code:
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2. ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER/ SURVEYOR INFORMATION (Copy this page for each professional, if
Name: Contact Person:
City: Postal Code:
Phone: Fax:
a. Address:
(If none currently, contact 911 Administration)
b. Assessor’s Parcel Number (s):
c. Site Area (acres/ square feet):
d. Area of Development (acres/ square feet):
e. Existing Land Use:
f. Proposed Development & Use:
g. Types of Uses
of Lots
Number of
Other -
h. Building setbacks
i. Access to Subject Lands: Check all that apply
County Road, Name Highway, Name
Private easement, Describe
Existing Buildings
Proposed buildings
Front setback
Side setback
Rear setback
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j. Water, Sanitary Sewage and Storm Drainage: Check all that apply
Water- Indicate the source of water on-site
Public/Semi Public Private/Semi Private well
Sanitary- Indicate the type of sewage disposal facility: Check all that apply
Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system
Privately owned and operated individual septic system
Have you received approval from Heath Department?
Yes No Submitted Application & Awaiting Approval
Storm Drainage- Indicate how storm drainage will be provided on-site: (§10 Appendix D)
Ditches Swales Retention pond
Detention pond Bio retention pond
Low Impact Development options (Appendix B) Other
4. I confirm that the information contained in this application and accompanying documents is
accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I hereby acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that I am in compliance with all
applicable laws, regulations, and permits at the State or Federal levels.
Name and Signature Date
State of Arkansas
County of ___________________
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______day of ____________201__.
_____________________________ _____________________________
NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires
Preliminary and final plats for subdivisions shall be prepared by a professional engineer who is currently
licensed in the State of Arkansas. All subdivisions, land developments, and mobile home parks shall be
designed in such fashion as to allow a contiguous system of improved hard surface roadways
conforming to the minimum standards of development set forth in this ordinance. Gravel roads, to the
extent allowed, shall be constructed to existing county standards which shall be specified from time to
time by the Benton County Road Department.
1. SUBDIVISION NAME The proposed name of the subdivision shall not duplicate or closely
approximate the name of any other subdivision in the County except for extensions of or additions
to existing subdivisions. Confusingly similar names which would hinder fire and police protection will
be disallowed.
2. ABUTTING PROPERTY The name of an adjacent subdivision, and the name and addresses of
recorded owners as shown by the County Assessor’s office adjacent parcels of unplatted land shall
be shown in the appropriate location upon the plat.
3. AREA MAP An area map shall accompany or appear on the plat. The scale should be of sufficient
size to show location of proposed subdivision by Township, Range, and Section. Existing roads,
district, or special corporate lines, adjacent features (such as lakes) and abutting subdivisions should
be identified on the area map so as to show how the proposed subdivision will fit into the
surrounding area.
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4. NORTH-POINT, NAME, ETC. Include on the plat a north-point arrow, title, and date. Top or left of
sheet should be north.
5. SCALE The plat shall be prepared with a scale of sufficient magnitude to clearly show all the
dimensions, lettering, and all other pertinent data and shall appear on the plat in both written and
graphic form.
6. SHEET SIZE The sheet size for recording shall be a maximum of 18" x 24". This may be a reduction
from a larger sheet size, if desired.
7. BOUNDARY LINES All external boundary lines with length and bearing of courses shall be shown.
These boundaries shall be determined by accepted surveying practices. The legal description of the
property being subdivided shall appear on the plat.
8. SURVEY CONNECTIONS Where practical, survey lines should be tied to the State Plane Coordinate
System. Where not practicable, bearings and distances should be tied to the nearest established
street bounds, patent or other established survey lines or other official monuments, which
monuments shall be located or accurately descried on the plat. Any patent or other established
survey or corporation lines shall be accurately located on the plat and their names shall be
accurately lettered on it.
9. TOPOGRAPHY Contours, normally with intervals of five feet, referenced to USGS datum or as may
be otherwise required shall be shown. Topography of the development shall be shown on the
preliminary plat. Pre and post construction contour intervals will be shown for assessment and
determination of proper drainage requirements. The intervals will be as follows:
a. Land with less than five percent (5%) overall slope, the contour interval shall not be greater than
five feet (5’).
b. Land with more than five percent (5%) slope, the contour interval shall not be greater than two
feet (2’).
10. EXISTING STREETS AND OTHER FEATURES The plats shall show the location, widths, and names of
all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract and other
important features such as existing permanent buildings, water courses, railroad lines, municipal
corporation lines, oil and gas lines or wells, including abandoned gas or oil wells and dry holes.
11. NEW STREETS AND THEIR NAMES The plat shall show the layout, names, and width of proposed
streets, alleys, and easements. Names shall be established to the satisfaction of the Board and shall
not duplicate or closely approximate any existing street names in adjoining subdivisions except
extensions of prior streets. Include street and alley locations, length and bearing, name, width, and
angles of intersection.
12. LOTS AND BLOCK NUMBERS Lots shall be numbered in numerical order. In tracts containing more
than one (1) block, the blocks shall be likewise numbered in numerical order. In the case of a re-
subdivision of lots in any block, such re-subdivided lots shall be designed by their original number
prefixed with the term most accurately describing such division, such as W1/2 of 3, N 40’ of 5, etc.,
or they shall be designated numerically, beginning with the number following the highest lot
number in the block.
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13. LOT LINES Lot lines shall show bearings and distances. Bearings shall be shown in degrees and
minutes and seconds. Distances should be shown at least in feet and hundredths of feet.
14. CURVING LINES When a street is on a circular curve the radius and arc length shall be shown. But
when a curve radius of 200 feet or less is used, it is sufficient to show the length and bearing of the
main chord, the radius, and the central angle subtended.
15. EXISTING UTILITIES Existing overhead and underground power and Communication lines, sewers,
water mains, gas mains, culverts, and other underground structures, within the tract and
immediately adjoining it, with pipe sizes and grades, shall be shown on the plat or on a separate
16. UTILITY SERVICE Proposed main locations will be designated on the preliminary plat and the
necessary easements provided.
17. BUILDING SETBACK LINES All building set back lines shall be designated on the plat.
18. EASEMENTS Within the subdivision all public and private easements and rights-of-way, with the
limitation of the easement rights, shall be stated on the plat.
19. SOIL ANALYSIS The developer shall indicate by appropriate attachment the types of soils found in
the plat area from available USDA Soil Conservation Service data or other authoritative source.
20. FLOOD AREA All of the proposed platted land which is subject to inundation shall be clearly
designated on the plat. All lots to be platted in a flood area shall have sufficient land area above the
established 100 year frequency flood elevation to meet all applicable building area restrictions.
21. STORM DRAINAGE Provisions shall be made for the disposal of storm water. Where initial
construction does not provide for storm sewers, drainage ditches, and culverts of adequate capacity
shall be put in. Facilities for storm drainage should be of adequate capacity to take care of not only
surface run-off originating within the subdivision or flowing across, but also consideration should be
given to the consequences of total development should it occur in the upstream drainage area.
22. OFF SITE DRAINAGE The developer’s engineer shall make a copy of the off-site drainage and/or
flooding problems to be created by the full development of the proposed subdivision and submit a
written statement concerning the effect the proposed subdivision would have on off-site drainage. If
the study identifies off-site flooding problems, the engineer shall submit with the subdivision
drainage plan off-site drainage plans to correct the problems identified. The developer shall be
responsible at his own expense for making those off-site improvements necessary to correct the
drainage or flooding problems created by his subdivision.
23. WATER COURSES In case the subdivision is traversed by a water course, channel, stream, or creek,
its present and proposed location shall be shown.
24. CONSTRUCTION PLANS A general statement describing proposed improvements and drainage
systems shall be a part of the preliminary plat. The Planning Board will require submission of all
street construction plans prior to the approval of the preliminary plat and may request, if needed,
additional utility construction plans. Construction plans and other engineering data, prepared and
certified by a registered professional engineer shall be submitted to and approved by the respective
office, department, or agency having jurisdiction over such improvement prior to the approval of
the final plat. “As built” plans of the improvements shall be filed within sixty (60) days after their
completion and before streets are accepted for County Maintenance.
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SUBMITTED AS SEPARATE INSTRUMENT Upon preliminary approval, the developer may proceed
to install all required improvements and for this purpose may secure from the appropriate
authorities the necessary permits. If the final plat approval is desired before completion of
improvements, the developer shall post with Benton County, Arkansas a corporate surety bond in
favor of the county, or deposit a cashier’s check, or other negotiable securities or a certificate of
deposit (CD) properly assigned to the county, in an escrow account or other acceptable bond. Such
bond shall be in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of installation of all incomplete required
improvements as estimated by the engineer, the contractor’s bid, or the official having jurisdiction,
with the exception of utilities that would be extended at no cost to the developer. The bond is to
assure the satisfactory construction and performance of said improvements at the time and terms
fixed by the Planning Board and in accordance with the regulations. The above bond will be required
only for the portion for which the developer desires a final plat before completing the required
improvements. Evidence of completion or satisfactory construction bond will be submitted with the
application for final approval of the plat.
26. OPEN SPACE All areas of open space for any purpose and any natural features to be preserved
shall be designated.
27. PROPERTY OFFERED FOR DEDICATION The accurate dimensional outline of all property which is
offered for dedication for public use, and of all property that may be reserved by covenant in the
deeds for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision, with the purpose indicated
thereon, shall be shown on the plat. All lands dedicated to public use (other than streets) shall be
marked “Dedicated to the Public.”
28. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION PROVISIONS The responsible entity for the maintenance and
operation of any building, park, equipment, pool, plantings, lawn, or other legal interests in the
proposed subdivision shall be shown on separate articles of incorporation, contracts, restrictions, or
other methods. The means of securing payment for maintenance and operation expenses and the
method of terminating such provisions shall be stated in the creating documents, if any.
29. PROPOSED PLAT RESTRICTIONS An outline of all proposed plat restrictions shall be submitted
along with the preliminary plat. Private restrictions or evidence of recording shall be shown on the
final plat. If there are no restrictions, the plat shall so state.
30. ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATE Include, as a separate attachment, a certificate by the engineer that all
improvements “as built” conform to all applicable engineering requirements and specifications.
31. LAND SURVEYOR’S CERTIFICATE TO APPEAR ON PLAT Include a certificate by a registered land
surveyor to the effect that he has fully complied with the requirements of this regulation and the
subdivision laws of the State of Arkansas governing surveying, dividing, and mapping of the land;
that the plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the
subdivision of it; that the plat represents a survey made by him; and that all monuments indicated
thereon actually exist and their location, size, and material are correctly shown.
32. OWNER’S CERTIFICATE TO APPEAR ON PLAT This certificate should contain the substance of the
following example: “As owner, I hereby certify that I have caused the land described to be surveyed,
divided, platted, dedicated, and access rights reserved as represented on this plat (and
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33. CERTIFICATION THAT TAXES ARE NOT DELINQUENT Include, as a separate attachment, a
certificate from the County Tax Collector that there are no delinquent taxes or special assessments
currently due or payable on any of the land in the plat including property dedicated for public use.
34. PUBLIC UTILITIES COORDINATION(S) AND APPROVAL(S) Include as a separate statement, from
each utility to serve the subdivision, that the plat does not violate any regulations of the utility and
that service can be provided to the platted area.
35. STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL Include, if appropriate, a separate statement from the
State Highway Department that the plat is coordinated with state and federal highways, existing and
36. STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL Include a separate statement from the State Health
Department that water and sewer improvements planned meet all applicable public health
37. COUNTY COURT’S CERTIFICATE TO APPEAR ON PLAT – Upon approval of the final plat by the
Planning Board, the County Judge will affix and approve by signing the following stamped certificate:
“Lands dedicated for easements, rights-of-way, and other public uses area accepted for the public
by the County of Benton. This certificate is not an acceptance of the responsibility to maintain roads
which are constructed in rights-of-way.”
38. PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATE TO APPEAR ON PLAT After the Planning Board has confirmed that
the final plat meets all of the applicable requirements as outlined in preceding paragraphs of this
section, it will affix and approve the signing of the following stamped certificate: “This plat has been
reviewed by the Benton County Planning Board in accordance with Benton County Subdivision
Regulations and meets all applicable requirements of those regulations.”
If the applicant is not the registered owner of the land that is subject of this application, the written
authorization of the registered owner that the applicant is authorized to make the application must be
included with this application form and the authorization below must be completed.
I (We), ,
(owner of the subject land, address or parcel No.)
hereby authorize and instruct
to submit an application to the Benton County Development Department. This shall be my (our) good and
sufficient authority to act on my (our) behalf and to negotiate or bond on my behalf.
(Sign) Date
Note: if the owner is a corporation, affix seal (if any)
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I (We), ,
(owner of the subject land, address or parcel No.)
hereby authorize and instruct
to submit an application to the Benton County Development Department. This shall be my (our) good and
sufficient authority to act on my (our) behalf and to negotiate or bond on my behalf.
(Sign) Date
Note: if the owner is a corporation, affix seal (if any)
I hereby authorize the Planning Board and/or staff of Benton County, Arkansas to enter upon the
subject lands and premises for the purpose of evaluating the merits of this application and
subsequently to conduct any inspections and work on the subject lands that may be required as a
condition of approval. This is their authority for doing so.
Subject lands:
Signature of owner Date
State of Arkansas
County of ___________________
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______day of ____________201__.
_____________________________ _____________________________
NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires
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In accordance with Chapter 2, § 2.9 of the ‘Planning and Development Regulations of Benton County’,
Waivers and modifications are applicable to non-dimensional provisions of this Ordinance which, by the
scrutiny of the Board and which may be informed by supporting evidence by staff or other experts, can
be prudently and judiciously modified or waived to the extent reasonable and necessary to provide
relief to the applicant as part of their development request.
Variances: Variances are relief to a dimensional provision of this Ordinance by an affirmative vote of
two-thirds (2/3) of the vote of the total membership of the Planning Board.
Please specify the provision of the regulations where relief is sought and a justification for the request.
_______________________________ ____/____/ __
Owner/Applicant/Authorized Agent Date
* N o t e t h a t t h e r e i s a n a d d i t i o n a l $ 7 5 . 0 0 f e e f o r e a c h w a i v e r a n d o r
v a r i a n c e r e q u e s t .
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F OR M F - L et t er o f S er v ic e C o n f i r ma ti o n
Project Name:
Property Owner: Map/Parcel No.:
Project Address:
The Benton County Development Department has received an application to review a:
Site Plan Review Subdivision Other___________________________________
for the above mentioned property. In order to process this request, service coverage must be provided
to the property. Please indicate if the above property is or will be receiving services from your utility or
department. Should there be any conditions associated with the coverage to be extended to the above
mentioned property please included those conditions in the appropriate area below.
Department/Utility: ___________________________________________________________________
Type of Coverage: ________________________ ____________________________________________
Please note your comments or concerns below. If additional conditions or stipulations of coverage
extension are required please include those stipulations below. Attach additional pages if necessary. If
you have no comments, please indicate that in the “other comments” section:
Conditions/Stipulations: _______________________________________________________________
Other Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
Thank you for your assistance,
Submit to:
Benton County Development Department
Planning Division
1204 SW 14
Street, Suite 6
Bentonville, AR 72712
Office: 479-464-6166
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In accordance with Chapter 4, § 4.8 of the ‘Planning and Development Regulations of Benton County’,
Notice to Adjacent and Proximal Properties: Notice shall be sent by the applicant to all property owners
within a 500 feet radius from the property line, based on current records of the Assessor’s database, via
certified mail with return receipt. Such notice shall be sent no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the
scheduled public hearing. Planning staff may notify additional property owners as directed by the
Planning Board.
Major subdivision Preliminary subdivision plat and Final subdivision plat
Telecommunications facilities (as applicable)
Mobile home park
Planned Unit Development
Development Master Plan
Site plan review (as applicable)
Any other proposals that requires a Public Hearing.
SITE LOCATION (Address and Parcel No.(s):
PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (written description):
Quorum Courtroom, 3rd floor
County Administration Building
215 E. Central Ave. Suite #324, Bentonville, AR
Note: Public comment concerning a specific proposed development can be made at regularly
scheduled Planning Board meetings. For further information contact the Benton County.
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B. Procedures -Public hearings shall adhere to the procedures established as follows:
1. Notice for Public Hearing:
c. Public Hearing Sign: The applicant shall install a public hearing notice sign on each street
frontage of the subject property. Requirements for posting the sign shall be as follows:
i. Sign shall be minimum 2 feet x 4 feet (2’x4’) in dimension and shall contain the following
information: location of the proposed development, site plan, meeting date and location. See
Appendix E - Public Notice Sign template.
ii. Sign shall be posted in a location clearly visible, accessible, and readable from the adjacent
iii. Sign shall be posted at least fourteen (14) days prior to the public hearing. Administrative
applications shall be posted for minimum of one (1) week upon making application.
iv. Signs shall remain in place until after the date of the hearing.
v. Each frontage of the subject property shall contain one notice sign per 300 feet of road