Circulation, Parking, and Landscaping Matters
Curb cuts required to provide ingress and egress to and from adjacent streets.
The existing width and proposed widening of all existing adjacent streets and rights-of-way (including the
number and width of lanes and any island or medians) (NOTE: New easements and right-of-way dedications
may be required in conjunction with the proposed development, and must be shown and dimensioned on
the plan.)
All the entrances on opposite sides of existing adjacent streets within the frontage of the development.
The width and location of all internal drives, aisles, parking and loading spaces.
The location of all islands and medians.
The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed curbs.
The number of parking and loading spaces.
The location of spaces to be used for outdoor vehicular and equipment storage, and the location of
screening, existing and proposed.
All proposed deciduous and evergreen trees, ground cover, and other landscaping elements and the
quantity, plant type and initial planting sizes
Wastewater System
Public sanitary sewer main location including existing and proposed manholes, service line connection
location and label the provider of the service if the project is adjacent to or within 300 feet of the property.
Proposed location of on-site wastewater system and type of system and protection of area noted, if public
sanitary sewer is not available.
Proposed Activities
Proposed location of buildings and other structures, including parking and loading areas.
In multiple lot developments, conceptual location and configuration of buildings, approximate locations of
common ground areas, open space, major utility easements, and storm water retention areas shall also be
Preliminary plan for storm drainage facilities.
Proposed land uses, lot areas and dimensions, building sizes and heights, and setback distances.
Proposed landscaping, lighting, and screening plans.
Proposed development phasing schedule.
A color photograph and/or rendering of the proposed building(s) as viewed from the front of the lot at the
street lot line, together with elevation views of the remaining sides of the building(s), showing proposed
building materials and appearance.
Existing Natural Resources
A natural resource inventory of the site showing all the natural resources as listed in Natural Resources
section including woodlands, wetlands, drainage ways, floodplain, etc.
Show the approximate location of all isolated trees having a trunk diameter of sixteen (16) inches or more
and all tree masses.
Review will be based on information provided by the developer and will cover landscaping, lighting, setbacks, points of access
and egress, parking, screening, and location relationships of proposed building(s), improvements, phasing, stormwater
controls and any other information which may include off site drainage, other utilities, natural resources, etc. as deemed
appropriate by the Zoning Administrator.
All information shown on a site plan shall be constructed or completed to conform to the approved site plan. Modifications
shall be shown on a revised certified as-built site plan. Additional engineering, site plan documents and site modifications may
be necessary to comply with the requirements of the Polk County Ordinance, if construction is not completed to the approved
site plan. Failure to complete the site plan as approved is a violation of this Ordinance