From EM 10-01: Major programs may apply to CAB to designate up to three GE requirements (in addition to the
capstone) fulfilled upon completion of that major. Students who have completed these areas for a major and
subsequently declare a different major may use the courses already taken to fulfill GE requirements.
Date Submitted: Department:
Degree Program(s):
Proposed Substitution(s):
GE Area
(e.g. C1, UD-B)
Proposed Major Course
GE SLO’s covered by proposed course
(minimum of 2 required for each course)
For each course, please attach a syllabus and a detailed rationale. If additional documentation
(e.g. assignments) is needed as evidence to support the claims in the rationale please attach those
as well. The rationale must address the following:
1. Explain how the course content fits into the GE Area (e.g. C1, UD-B) for which the
course will be substituting. See EO 1100, Article 4, for detailed information on the
Subject Areas.
2. Explain in detail how the course meets each of the GE SLO’s it is meant to address. See
EM 10-01 for a list of the ten GE SLO’s at CSU, Chico.
Be specific: refer to items in the syllabus and/or supplemental documentation as evidence to
justify the claims in the rationale.
The proposed Major Course Substitution(s) has/have been reviewed by the Department Curriculum Committee:
__________________________ __________________________ ____________
Chair, Dept. Curriculum Committee (print name) Date
__________________________ __________________________ ____________
Department Chair (print name) Date
Submit completed application to Curriculum Services, SSC 460, Zip 128, or
If approved, Major Course Substitutions will be valid for five years and then reconsidered at that time. Note:
Major Course Substitutions fulfill GE area requirements only and do not count towards a Pathway Minor. A
Major Course Substitution in upper division GE will make it impossible for students to complete a Pathway
Minor without taking additional courses.
_______ _______________________ _____________
Approved Chair, GE CAB Date
CAB USE only