Application Date: _______________________
1. Project Address: _________________________________________________________________
2. Does the applicant own the commercial building? Yes ○ No ○
3. If the answer to question 2 is No, attach a letter from the building owner providing approval of the
project proposal.
4. Will the services of an architect be used? Yes ○ No ○
5. Describe the proposed improvements: ________________________________________________
6. Estimated total project cost: ________________________________________________________
7. Proposed start and completion dates:_________________________________________________
8. What is (are) the existing use(s) of the building? _______________________________________
9. Will this project proposal result in a change in the building’s use? Yes ○ No ○
If Yes, to what? __________________________________________________________________
10. Check List: Attached?
A. Drawings and plans of the building which Yes ○ No ○
illustrate all proposed work, including
any structural work or repair, paint colors,
awnings (sample of material), signage, etc.
B. Information on the methods and material Yes ○ No ○
to be used.
C. Itemized cost estimates of all proposed work. Yes ○ No ○