Please answer the following questions regarding your dental history.
When was your last dental cleaning/exam?
When was the last time you had dental x-rays?
Have you ever been treated for periodontal/gum disease? Yes
Have you ever had local anesthetic? Yes No
Do you have dental implants? Yes No
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Do you have or have you ever had any of the following?
Canker Sore
Cold Sore/Fever Blister Unhealed Mouth Sore
Do you now or have you ever lived in an area with fluoridated water?
If so, from what ages?
Yes No
Have you had any serious trouble associated with any previous dental visit?
If yes, please explain.
Yes No
If yes, did you have any reactions or symptoms from local anesthetic?
If yes, please describe:
At the present time, do you have any dental concerns? Yes
What is your dentist's name/address/phone?
Which dental products do you use at home?
How often?
How often? How often?
Manual ToothbrushDental Floss Toothpick
How often? How often? How often?
Mouth RinseElectric Toothbrush Tongue Cleaner
How often? How often? How often?
Oral IrrigatorInterdental Cleaner Other
Please check any of the following oral habits that you have:
Grinding your teeth
Mouth breathing Thumb sucking/Pacifiers
Nail biting
Clenching your teeth
Chewing on pens, pencils, bobby pins, other objects