Use this form to authorise someone else to operate your account on your behalf and specify the level of authority you wish to give them.
Please consider carefully who you appoint as a third party authority on your accounts as we may follow their instructions as if
they wereyours and they will have access to your account details (BSB, account number and account name), account balance
and transaction history, which includes your personal information (‘Account Data’). It is important that you understand this
risk and carefully consider what level of authority you give to them. Please see section 7 for more information.
Please use black ink and mark boxes with an [
Please return this form by email to or by mail to Reply Paid 85744 Sydney NSW 2001.
Account number: Account name:
To authorise an Individual u go to section 2. To authorise a Financial Services Professional u go to section 3. To authorise a
company or other third party firm u go to section 4
Please ensure account holders sign section 6. If not already supplied, Individuals will need to provide their identification.
Further information is available at
Your Macquarie account details
Appointment of an individual
Macquarie third party authority
Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 AFSL 237502
Macquarie Investment Management Limited ABN 66 002 867 003 AFSL 237492 RSEL L0001281
First individual Second individual
A. What level of Authority are you appointing? If you are
unsure of the type of authority, please refer to section 7.
Enquiry Authority u go to B
Authorised Signatory u
please complete the following
What are the operating instructions for the first
individual appointed? Current account operating
instructions will not bealtered.
Any one of us to sign
Any two of us to sign
Other, specify:
B. First individual – details and declaration
Full name
Any other name known by
Date of birth:
/ /
Residential address
A. What level of Authority are you appointing? If you are
unsure of the type of authority, please refer to section 7.
Enquiry Authority u go to B
Authorised Signatory u
please complete the following
What are the operating instructions for the second
individual appointed? Current account operating
instructions will not bealtered.
Any one of us to sign
Any two of us to sign
Other, specify:
B. Second individual – details and declaration
Full name
Any other name known by
Date of birth:
/ /
Residential address
The residential address cannot be a PO Box. If an overseas address is provided, please complete the Individual tax declaration form available
online at along with a copy of your Australian ID.
Macquarie Third Party Authority
2 of 4
Appointment of an individual (continued)
Appointment of a Financial Services Professional
You can use this section to appoint a Financial Services Professional (for example a financial adviser or accountant) to have
access and/or withdrawal authority to your account.
Full name:
Company Code (if known):
Representative Code (if known):
Would you like to replace your current primary Financial Services Professional, should you have one,
with the above Financial Services Professional?
What level of authority are you appointing?
Enquiry Authority
Tax Payment Authority
Macquarie ID (if known):
If your Financial Services Professional does not have a Macquarie ID, they will need to complete the Macquarie Registration
–Representative form.
First individual (continued) Second individual (continued)
Mother’s maiden name
Macquarie ID (if known)
If you do not have a Macquarie ID, we will generate one and
send it to the email address provided.
Mobile number (MANDATORY)
By completing this form, you, the appointed individual,
accept the above information provided is correct and agree
to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in the
offer document. If you do not already have a copy of the
offer document you can obtain it from
personal or by contacting us.
If the individual appointed with Authorised Signatory
is not an existing Macquarie client, please complete
the Identification form for individuals, available online
Signature (Appointed individual) Date
/ /
Mother’s maiden name
Macquarie ID (if known)
If you do not have a Macquarie ID, we will generate one and
send it to the email address provided.
Mobile number (MANDATORY)
By completing this form, you, the appointed individual,
accept the above information provided is correct and agree
to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in the
offer document. If you do not already have a copy of the
offer document you can obtain it from
personal or by contacting us.
If the individual appointed with Authorised Signatory
is not an existing Macquarie client, please complete
the Identification form for individuals, available online
Signature (Appointed individual) Date
/ /
Existing authorities will remain on your account if this section is not completed
Macquarie Third Party Authority
3 of 4
Appointment of a Financial Services Company
Would you like to cancel a Third Party Authority or
Company access?
You can use this section to appoint a company or other third party firm (eg a financial advisory firm, stockbroking firm,
accounting firm or administrator) to have access and/or withdrawal authority to your account.
Company name:
Company code/bulk transacting code (if known):
What level of authority are you appointing?
General Withdrawal Authority
Tax Payment Authority
Fee Authority
Enquiry Authority
Limited Funds Transfer Authority (please refer to 7.18)
Authorised Signatory Authority
Yes, please specify:
Existing authorities will remain on your account if this section is not completed.
Declaration and signature of account holders
For personal accounts, all account holders must sign. For company accounts two directors, a director and a secretary, or a sole
director must sign. Please note that the directors/secretary who sign must be existing account signatories.
You can sign this form electronically via one of our approved electronic signature providers and submit the form via
email with any additional documentation required. Please visit Help Centre to view our submission requirements and
a list of our approved electronic signature providers. Please attach a copy of the account holder(s) Driver’s License or
Passport. The identification does not need to becertified.
accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in the applicable offer document and in section 7 of this form, that
relate to the appointment of third party authorities, and
authorise the financial specialist/company/dealer group whose name appears in section 3 and/or 4 (appointee), which includes
the Individual signatories appointed by the company/dealer group, to operate my/our account, and
acknowledge and agree that any person appointed in section 2, 3 and/or 4 will automatically be granted Enquiry authority on any
Macquarie Cash Management Accelerator Account that is linked to my/our Macquarie CMA.
Signature 1
/ /
Signature 2
/ /
We only allow Financial Service Companies to be appointed as an Authorised Signatory in limited circumstances. A Financial Services Company must already be
registered with Macquarie as an authorised signatory to be loaded to the account.
Macquarie Third Party Authority
4 of 4
Terms and conditions
General terms which apply to all levels ofauthority
7.1 When you appoint a third party on your account they will
have access to your account details (BSB, account number
and account name), account balance and transaction history,
which includes your personal information (Account Data’).
7.2 If you appoint a third party to withdraw from your account they
will automatically be able to enquire on your accountalso.
7.3 Unless otherwise required by law, we accept no responsibility
for acts or failures of the third party, or for any loss or damage
suffered by you as a result of us providing the third party with
access to your account in accordance with your instructions.
7.4 Withdrawals may be for any amount and may be made at
varying intervals of time.
7.5 You:
a) indemnify us against all loss, liabilities and costs incurred
directly or indirectly as a result of the appointment of a
third party
b) indemnify us against all loss, liabilities and costs incurred
directly or indirectly in connection with any action by
a third party under their appointment or any payment
made from your account on their instruction, and
c) release us from all claims and liabilities in connection
with any act or omission relating to the appointment of
a third party to your account any action by a third party
under their appointment or any payment made from
your account on their instruction.
7.6 However, we remain liable for any loss or liability which is
due to our negligence or fraud, or which, by operation of
law we cannot exclude.
7.7 This authority takes effect on the date that we amend our
records to note the appointment and continues until you
cancel it by telling us in writing. Cancellation also takes effect
on the date that we amend our records to note the change.
7.8 We may suspend, cancel or impose conditions on the
appointment of a third party or their access to your account
for any reasonable cause without prior notice. If the third
party does not comply with the terms of their appointment,
including the terms in the offer document, we may suspend,
freeze or block your account.
7.9 We will cancel the authority given to a third party if we are
notified of the death, bankruptcy or loss of capacity of either
you or the third party.
You can revoke these authorities at any time by contacting us.
We will update this in accordance with the signing instructions
on your account. Your historical Account Data may however
continue to be accessed by your Financial Services
Professional and other people working in and for their
organisation unless you request us to terminate all access.
7.10 Third parties can not set up Direct Debits on your account
but are allowed to reduce or cancel the existing regular Direct
Debit on behalf of you.
7.11 Where you give authority to a company or firm:
a) the company or firm will give us details of people who can
transact on its behalf
b) you acknowledge and agree that the company or firm may
do this and the people they nominate can access your
account according to the authority you have given to the
company or firm
c) we will only act on requests from the company or firm, if
the person requesting the withdrawal has been nominated
by it in accordance with our procedures
d) the company or firm must contact us if any nominated
person no longer has authority. If you change adviser
or cease using one, you should ensure you contact us
immediately to cancel their authority. Otherwise, that
person may still be able to operate your account.
MC079_FRM3140 02/21
For more information, please visit or contact Macquarie Cash on 1800 806 310 or Macquarie Wrap on
1800 025 063. Please visit or for relevant product contact number.
Terms relating to each of the levels ofauthority
It’s important you understand what level of access
you are granting a third party. You can revoke these
authorities at any time by contacting us.
7.12 You agree to terms and conditions for Macquarie Online
as set out in the applicable offer document available from or by contacting us.
7.13 Enquiry authority
a) You authorise the third party to have access to
information about your account including your
Account Data
b) Enquiry Authority does not allow the third party to
make withdrawals from your account, changes to your
account details, close your account or enable the use of
your cheque book.
7.14 Fee authority
You authorise your Financial Services Professional to
withdraw their fees from your account. We recommend you
regularly check your statement of advice, fee disclosure
statement or other documentation that sets out your fee
arrangement with your Financial Services Professional to
ensure the correct amounts are being withdrawn.
7.15 Tax payment authority
You authorise the third party to withdraw funds from your
account to make payments on your behalf directly to the
Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
7.16 General withdrawal authority
a) You authorise the third party to make payments and
withdrawals in accordance with the terms set out under
‘Fee Authority’ and ‘Tax Payment Authority’ above.
b) In addition, you authorise the third party to make
payments and withdrawals for any purpose.
c) General Withdrawal Authority does not authorise the
third party to make any changes to your account
details, close your account or enable the use of your
cheque book.
d) Your Financial Services Professional reserves the right
to hold funds from the time the order is placed or the
time of execution to settle trades.
7.17 Authorised signatory
a) You authorise the third party to make payments and
withdrawals in accordance with the terms set out under
“General Withdrawal Authority” above
b) In addition, this authority also allows the third party to
use your cheque book, change your Cash Account
details (subject to the signing instruction) and to close
your Cash Account. This authority does not allow
the authorised signatory to appoint other authorised
signatories. We only allow Financial Service
Professionals to be appointed as an Authorised
Signatory in limited circumstances, and we reserve
the right to remove such access from Financial
Service Professionals in our absolute discretion.
7.18 Limited funds transfer authority – Macquarie Cash
Management Accelerator Account (Accelerator) only
a) You authorise the third party to have access to
information about your Accelerator.
b) You authorise the third party to transfer funds
interchangeably between your Macquarie CMA and
your Accelerator.
c) Your authorised third party cannot otherwise
transact, change details on your Accelerator, or close
your Accelerator.