© 2019 Epilepsy Foundation of America, Inc. 05/2019 711CMS Page 2 of 3
SEIZURE TRIGGERS: Are there any factors that seem to make your child more likely to have a seizure? Do
seizures occur at any specific time of day or night, or are there any other patterns to his or her seizures? Please
include plans for how these triggers are managed, the need for special accomodations, and tips for staff.
1) Mood, behavior, learning, or attention: Be sure to include any other cognitive problems that staff should
know about and how they are managed. Inlcude the need for special accomodations and tips for staff.
OTHER PROBLEMS: Please describe any problems that may affect your child in the following areas:
2) Movement or ability to walk: Note if there are problems with weakness, balance, coordination, or other
problems. Include any mobility aids that are used and special accomodations needed to get around safely.
3) Senses: Note if there are problems with feeling (hot, cold, pain, etc.), vision, smelling, tasting, or hearing.
Inlcude any special accomodations and tips for staff.
4) Communication: Note if there are difficulties speaking, understanding, or writing. Include alternative
methods of communicating and any other special accomodations and tips for staff.
5) Social Skills: Note if there are problems with social skills or interacting with peers. Include and special
accomodations and tips for staff.
6) Other Concerns or Problems: