Music Scholarship Application Form 2023
© Inaburra School Page 4 2021
I understand that if I am selected as one of the recipients of a Scholarship at Inaburra School, the
scholarship is conditional on the following:
1. A scholarship holder will endeavour to maintain an appropriate level of academic
2. In all areas of school life, a scholarship holder must be a positive role model and fully
support the ethos and values of the school. Furthermore, recipients of a Music Scholarship
are expected to be engaged in the music program in the following ways:
a) Be a committed member of at least one of the School’s musical ensembles, to be
determined in conjunction with the Director of Music.
b) Provide leadership in the School’s musical program through exemplary behaviour as an
unofficial role model.
c) Attend all appropriate rehearsals, performances and tours.
d) Practise their instrument regularly and, in order to further develop their skills, sit
appropriate grade level exams each year through AMEB or similar: Grade 3-4 AMEB or
equivalent for Year 7, Grade 5-6 AMEB or equivalent for Year 9 and Grade 6-7 AMEB or
equivalent for Year 11.
e) Scholarship holders in Year 9 and must be enrolled in an elective Music class.
f) Scholarship holders in Year 11 and Year 12 must be enrolled in either Music 1 or 2 for
he HSC.
declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information I have supplied in this application
is correct and complete. I understand that if I provide incorrect or incomplete information this may
result in the cancellation of any offer made by Inaburra School. I understand that if Inaburra School
becomes aware of, or has reason to believe I have provided false or misleading information in my
application, my eligibility will be reassessed. I recognise it is my responsibility to provide all necessary
We, the undersigned, agree that the information provided in this application is not false or misleading
and is a true representation as at the date below.
andidate’s Signature
arent / Caregiver’s Signature
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