Geographic Preference: Many of our placements are in communities throughout the San Joaquin Valley. Below are
listed the geographic areas utilized for field internships. List your preferences for at least five (5) areas. Use “1” for
most preferred, “2” for the next most preferred, etc. Please note that placements are NOT available in every location
every year. We cannot guarantee that you will receive a placement assignment in one of your preferred areas.
Dinuba/Reedley Northfork/Foothills
Fresno metropolitan Central Coast
(San Luis Obispo, Atascadero)
Madera Merced
Southwest Valley
(Hanford, Coalinga) Southeast Valley (Porterville/Exeter)
Age Group Interest: Please indicate your interest in working with the following groups. Use “1” for highest interest,
“2” for the next highest interest, etc. through “4”
Adults (young to middle adult) Older adults
Areas of Practice Interests: Indicate at least four (4) of your field placement interests in rank order. Use “1” for
highest interest, “2” for the next highest interest, etc. Please note that placements related to every interest area are
not available in every geographic location.
Aging/Gerontology Adoptions
Public Child Welfare Education/Mentoring/Higher Education
Corrections/Criminal Justice Alcohol/Substance Abuse (AOD)
Health/Medical Social Work Community Organization/Outreach
Hospice Mental Health/Behavioral Health
Child/Adolescent Services School Mental Health
Other (identify):
MSWI Field Application
Summer 2017