Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Proposal for Grad Engineering Project, Independent Study, or Directed
Study Courses
This course is a faculty supervised project course involving research into methods,
systems or procedures which relate to real world situations. The specific project or topic
to be undertaken is chosen by the student with the approval of a member of the faculty
and is to be appropriate to the program of study of the individual student. The
methodology employed in the project is guided by the faculty member.
Student Information
Name: _______________________________ ID #: _________________________
Address: _____________________________ City: _________________________
State: _____________ Zip Code: _________ Phone: _______________________
Semester of registration for this course: _________________
Type of Course (project, directed study, or independent study): _____________________
Faculty Advisor: ___________________________________
Description of Proposed Project:
Description of Planned Research Methodology:
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Proposal for Grad Engineering Project, Independent Study, or Directed
Study Courses
Description of Requirements for Satisfactory Completion of Project:
Planned Schedule for Project:
Student Signature and Faculty Approvals:
Student Signature Date
Faculty Approval Date
MSEE Program Director Approval Date
Please Note: This form must be submitted before course registration.
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