West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection MS4 Annual Reporting Form
Last updated: June 15, 2012 Page 1 of 17
For Stormwater Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)
Please see instructions before completing this form. If you need more space than allowed, please attach a document.
BMP = Best Management Practice
IDDE = Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
MCM = Minimum Control Measure
SWMP = Storm Water Management Program
TMDL = Total Maximum Daily Load
WV = West Virginia
I. Small MS4 Operator Information
1. Annual report reporting period:
2. Name of MS4:
3. Registration number:
4. Primary contact:
5. Title:
6. Mailing address:
7. City:
8. Zip code:
9. County:
10. Telephone number:
11. Email:
II. Impaired Waters Information
13. Please provide a description of specific BMPs that were implemented to reduce pollutants of concern in impaired
receiving waters and waters in which a TMDL has been developed. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 25, #12)
III. Fiscal Reporting
15. Include or attach a fiscal analysis of capital and operating expenditures to implement the MCMs. The fiscal
analysis shall include only those expenditures by the locality seeking coverage under the WV MS4 2009 General
Permit and not those for MCMs implemented by other entities. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 25, #13)
16. Please provide total capital expenditures for this reporting period.
17. Please provide total operating expenditures for this reporting period.
The annual report is from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018
City of Fairmont
David C. Sago
Utility Manager
P.O. Box 1428
(304) 366-0540
davidsago@ aol.com
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination with the Euclid St. and Hampton Rd. projects.
Outfall sampling for fecal coliform in dry weather conditions.
Pet waste stations in City owned parks.
West fork bank stabilization project.
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IV. Coordination Efforts and Organization
18. Please provide a description of the coordination efforts with other MS4s, county governments, transportation
agencies, colleges, universities, correctional facilities, prisons, and any other entities regarding the
implementation of the MCMs, including the status of any memoranda of understanding or other agreements
executed between the permittee(s) and any other entity. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #9)
19. Please provide name and contact information for individual with overall program management and
implementation responsibility, and if different, name and contact information of individuals responsible for each
minimum control measure. Please attach a table of organization.
V. Changes to SWMP
20. Did any of your activities, BMPs, or measurable goals as outlined in your SWMP change during
the reporting period?
21. Do you anticipate any planned activities, BMPs, or goals as outlined in your SWMP to change
in the upcoming reporting period?
22. If anything has changed, please indicate the MCM and performance measure and provide a brief description
below, and attach detailed documentation of the changes, schedule of implementation, measurable goals, and
overall effect on your program. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #6 and #7)
23. Is additional documentation attached?
The coordination effort that we have with the Fairmont Sanitary Sewer Board CSO Program is that we share information on all remote area
inspections and utilize all staff efforts in a very proactive IDDE program. the coordination efforts we have with Fairmont State University are to
also share in some good BMP projects that we have in our area and to trade or Exchange information on the good BMP's that work at our
sites. The coordination efforts with West Virginia University also by exchanging information,ideas,project successes,solutions, problems and
what BMP's work on various sites. the coordination effort we have with the West Virginia water Quality Association (MWQA) and MS4 Sub
Committee is that we offer to anyone who needs help with information on general permit issues, design manual development, codes,
ordinances, SWMP submission and BMP's discussions that work on a National, State and local levels.
Mike Bragg who is the Wet Weather Program Manager- Responsible for implementation and program management
of the MS4 for The City of Fairmont Utilities. contact at 304-366-0450 ext. 238 or mbragg@fairmontwv.gov
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VI. MCM 1: Public Education and Outreach (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 5-6)
24. Did you complete all the proposed activities and performance measures for this MCM for this
reporting period?
25. Contact:
26. Phone:
Performance Measure 1a: Program implementation
27. Were the proposed activities for developing a public education and outreach
program implemented?
28. List and briefly describe each of the public education and outreach program development activities undertaken
during this reporting period. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
29. Did you achieve all the goals that you identified in your SWMP related to developing the
education and outreach program for this reporting period? (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p.
24, #3)
30. If not, please describe the progress you did make towards achieving your goal(s), and any obstacles and possible
solutions such as revised implementation schedules or revised measurable goals. If you are proposing any
changes to your SWMP goals or schedule, please include them in Section V above.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
Mike Bragg
(304) 366-0540
Fairmont 101 - Designed to educate citizens of Fairmont about the roles and responsibilities of the Utility and the MS4 Program.
Make it Shine - Public was invited to come and clean local stream with various activities.
Rain Barrel Program - Local garden club involved in how they needed a rain barrel to function.
Web Site - All activities current within the utility with public response available.
Storm Drain Stenciling - Marking the grates on drop inlets saying "No Dumping only Rain to Drain".
Leadership Marion - To increase and personalize the leaders leaders of Marion County/Fairmont about Fairmont Utilities and our MS4 program.
Palatine Park Fall Festival - Public event that we set up at to inform public about what MS4 program is all about.
Barracksville Grade School - Talked to 4th,5th and sixth grade class about storm water issues.
FSU Enviromental class - Talked with them about designing BMP's why we use them and some of problems they will be facing with there design
work when they become engineers.
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Performance Measure 1b: Evaluation of effectiveness of public education and outreach efforts
31. Did you evaluate the effectiveness of the public education and outreach program?
32. How did you evaluate the effectiveness of the public education and outreach program in this reporting period?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #2)
33. Regardless of your answer to the previous question, have you identified new or better ways to
evaluate the public’s understanding of your program and water quality issues?
34. If yes, please describe any changes you would like to consider to improve your evaluation of effectiveness of
Feedback from the general public and engineering consultants.
Feedback from the utility web site.
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Performance Measure 1c: Documentation and tracking of public education and outreach efforts
35. Did you track and keep records of your outreach activities?
36. For print, radio, and television media activities, did you keep records that include
i) a description of the content or theme; ii) the date of completion of the
materials; iii) the date of release or distribution, and iv) the duration of air time or
publication? (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
37. Are your records available upon request?
38. For pamphlets, brochures, and other finite printed products, did you keep records
that include: i) a description of the content or theme; ii) the date of completion of
the materials; iii) the date of release or distribution; iv) the location or placement
of the materials; and v) date of follow up visits to replenish or transition to the
next outreach product? (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
39. Please describe any additional or alternative documentation and tracking of public education and outreach
activities you are implementing.
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VII. MCM 2: Public Involvement and Participation (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 6-7)
40. Did you complete all the proposed activities and performance measures for this MCM for this
reporting period?
41. Contact:
42. Phone:
Performance Measure 2a: Opportunities for ongoing public involvement and participation in the SWMP
43. Did you create, or are you in the process of creating, ongoing opportunities for the public to
participate in the development, implementation, and updating of your SWMP?
44. Did you achieve all the goals that you identified in your SWMP related to creating and
maintaining ongoing opportunities for public involvement and participation for this reporting
period? (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #3)
45. If not, please describe the progress you did make towards achieving your goal(s), and any obstacles and possible
solutions such as revised implementation schedules or revised measurable goals. If you are proposing any
changes to your SWMP goals or schedule, please include them in Section V above.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
46. List and briefly describe each of the activities undertaken during the reporting period to create ongoing
opportunities for the public to participate in your SWMP. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
47. Describe how you evaluated the effectiveness of your public participation efforts (citizen attendance at public
hearings, requests for information on your SWMP, hotline activity, etc.).
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #2)
48. Describe the steps taken to ensure that public participation opportunities are ongoing and, if necessary,
additional program maintenance activities in future reporting periods to ensure continued participation
opportunities. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
Mike Bragg
(304) 366-0540
Make it Shine - Cleaned up a section of stream in the Hickman Run Drainage Basin.
Rain Barrel Program - Still putting them into the system to see how our design works.
Rain Garden Program - Share design and site planning to increase awareness in our community to the benefits of a Green
Infrastructure storm water control strategy.
By the number of participants, their comments and discussions during the Make it Shine, Fairmont 101 and
Leadership Marion programs. Feedback from the utility website in the way of posted comments or direct phone
calls to staff.
Periodic releases/updates on program Projects with print and television media. Website information updates current
events within the program also on a periodic bases.
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Performance Measure 2b: Communications with community, watershed, and environmental organizations
49. Did you establish a program for routine communications with community based
watershed groups or other organizations?
50. Describe the steps taken to ensure that your programs for routine communications with community-based
watershed groups or other organizations are ongoing, or any additional program activities that you believe may
be required to ensure continued communications. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
51. Did you achieve all the goals that you identified in your SWMP related to creating
and maintaining ongoing communications with community based watershed
groups or other organizations for this reporting period?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #3)
52. If not, please describe the progress you did make towards achieving your goal(s), and any obstacles and possible
solutions such as revised implementation schedules or revised measurable goals. If you are proposing any
changes to your SWMP goals or schedule, please include them in Section V above.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
Performance Measure 2c: Public availability of SWMP and annual report
53. Did you make your SWMP and annual report available to the public?
54. If yes, please indicate the web address, or if a physical location, please indicate where it is and the process, if any,
required for the public to access it.
The utility keeps open communications with local Garden Club members, Make it Shine Volunteers,Fairmont
State University and any concerned groups in our watershed.
In the office of the Wet Weather Program Manager, which is located in the Waste Water Treatment Plant. It is
also available upon request, or you can go to the city's web site under Storm Water and both are available.
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VIII. MCM 3: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 7-10)
55. Did you complete all the proposed activities and performance measures for this MCM for this
reporting period?
56. Contact:
57. Phone:
Performance Measure 3a: MS4 map
58. Were your proposed activities for creating and annually updating your MS4 map
for the reporting period implemented?
59. List and briefly describe the activities undertaken to either develop or update your MS4 map.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
Mike Bragg
(304) 366-0540
The field crews are given existing maps, when changes are made in the field the crew draws the changes on the map.
The map is the turned over to the engineering department and the maps are updated in the computer and new maps
are printed and given to the crews. New storm sewer projects are surveyed in by engineering department personal and
a computer updated map is made, then printed an given to the crews.
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Performance Measure 3b: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) ordinance development
60. Has your municipality adopted an IDDE ordinance in accordance with the requirements of
the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II Section C.b.3.b)?
61. If not, please describe the activities or progress made in adopting or updating an existing ordinance and provide
an estimated date for adoption. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
Performance Measures 3c and 3e: IDDE program implementation and assessment, and program tracking
62. Is your IDDE program fully implemented, including visual inspections based on a system of
prioritizing outfalls and procedures for characterizing discharges?
63. If no, please describe obstacles, if any, to implementation, and an estimate of when your program will be fully
64. Were all your measurable goals met for implementing and evaluating an IDDE program
during this reporting period? (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #3)
65. How many field assessments were conducted during the reporting period?
66. How many illicit discharges were identified during the reporting period?
67. How would you characterize the type of illicit discharges found (sewer cross connections, spills, illegal dumping,
unaware residents, etc.)?
68. How would you characterize the type of pollutants discovered in illicit discharges (oil and grease, fecal coliform,
chlorine, paints, etc.)? Name the top five pollutants discovered or uncovered by your IDDE program.
69. How many corrective actions were taken to remove illicit discharges?
70. How many enforcement actions were initiated to eliminate illicit discharges into the storm
sewer system?
71. Have you attached additional documentation to better identify the nature and extent of the
program activities and accomplishments?
The most common illicit discharge found where eight sewer cross connections/and the sanitary sewer system had
eleven problems from spills caused from broken pipes, line blockages, and surcharged manholes.
The top five pollutants found in our IDDE program was fecal coliform, solids, detergents, and FOG( fats,oils and grease).
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Performance Measure 3d: Public education on hazards of illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste
72. Did you conduct any activities for educating the public on hazards of illegal
discharges for this reporting period? (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #3)
73. List and briefly describe each of the education and outreach activities undertaken during this reporting period.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
74. Were any of these activities included in the public education and outreach efforts described in
MCM 1?
75. How did you evaluate the effectiveness of the activities described in the list above?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #2)
76. Did you achieve all the goals that you identified in your SWMP related to educating the public
on hazards of illegal discharges for this reporting period?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #3)
77. If not, please describe the progress you did make towards achieving your goal(s), and any obstacles and possible
solutions such as revised implementation schedules or revised measurable goals. If you are proposing any
changes to your SWMP goals or schedule, please include them in Section V above.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
Make it shine information was conveyed on the utility website, the topic was discussed to all attending the Fairmont 101 program.
Rain barrel workshop at Palatine park information was on city web site,local paper and MCPAR put it on there web site and Martin
Christ from DEP placed it on DEP website,The utility also gave illicit discharge presentations to staff,workshops and seminars with
hand outs and video detailing all areas of illicit discharges. Television and print medias covered and reported all events.
Group discussions during the presentations and at the final wrap-up sessions of the things learned with take aways.
website feedback is always important and evaluated by staff.
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Performance Measure 3f: Training for municipal staff on identification, reporting, and elimination of illicit discharges
78. Have you developed a program to train municipal employees on illicit discharges?
79. Did you conduct any municipal employee training during this reporting period?
80. List and briefly describe the training activities conducted during the reporting period.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
81. How did you evaluate the effectiveness of the training activities? (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #2)
82. How many municipal employees were trained to identify and report illicit discharges?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #2)
83. Did you achieve all the goals that you identified in your SWMP related to training municipal
employees on IDDE procedures for this reporting period?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #3)
84. If not, please describe the progress you did make towards achieving your goal(s), and any obstacles and possible
solutions such as revised implementation schedules or revised measurable goals. If you are proposing any
changes to your SWMP goals or schedule, please include them in Section V above.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
Training was given to the storm water crew members field technicians and construction inspectors on being able to identify an
illicit discharge in the storm water system. When drop inlets are being rebuilt or old storm line being replaced they would know
what they where looking for and the illicit discharge would be removed from storm water system. The training was also given to all
management,supervisors,field services personnel and staff. Public works department has also had the training. Video education
media was used in our presentation.
By hands on training in the field when illicit discharges are found in discussing training to field experiences. Results in the number
of illicit discharges found by all departments in the field operations.
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IX. MCM 4: Construction Site Runoff Control (WV MS4 2009 General Permit , p. 10-12)
85. Did you complete all proposed activities and performance measures for this MCM for this
reporting period?
86. Contact:
87. Phone:
Performance Measures 4a and 4b: Develop and implement an ordinance to address stormwater runoff from
construction sites one acre or greater
88. Has your municipality adopted a construction site runoff control ordinance in
accordance with the requirements of the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II
Section C.b.4.a)?
89. If a program ordinance has not been adopted, have the proposed activities for
developing and implementing an ordinance to address stormwater runoff from
construction sites been implemented?
90. Please indicate the anticipated ordinance adoption schedule. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
91. Has your construction site ordinance been reviewed and/or updated to include
any new criteria during the reporting period?
92. Is your construction site program being fully implemented to include provisions
for: i) plan review, ii) routine site inspections, iii) enforcement, and iv) record
keeping and reporting?
93. Please indicate the number of plan approvals during the reporting period.
94. Please indicate the number of construction site inspections during the reporting period.
95. Please indicate the number of enforcement actions during the reporting period (can attach
96. Are enforcement records maintained and available upon request?
97. Is there adequate funding to fulfill the program implementation requirements
required by the WV MS4 2009 General Permit?
98. Briefly list and describe any activities outlined in your SWMP completed during the past permit year related to
construction site operator and/or permittee site inspector training. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
99. Did you achieve all the goals that you identified in your SWMP related to developing or
implementation and assessment of a construction site runoff control program for this
reporting period? (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #3)
100. If not, please describe the progress you did make towards achieving your goal(s), and any obstacles and possible
solutions such as revised implementation schedules or revised measurable goals. If you are proposing any
changes to your SWMP goals or schedule, please include them in Section V above.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
Mike Bragg
(304) 366-0540
Engineering departments, Senior Engineer, Wet Weather Project Manager, Assistant Engineer,Construction Inspector and
Technicians have been trained in the proper installation of silt fences, proper drop inlet protection,slope,and ditch stabilization.
staff have been sent out to every new job site to insure the owner or foreman on job site has proper runoff protection in place.
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X. MCM 5: Controlling Runoff from New Development and Redevelopment (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 12-19)
101. Did you complete all proposed activities and performance measures for this MCM for this
reporting period?
102. Contact:
103. Phone:
Performance Measure 5a: Develop, implement, and enforce a program to protect water resources by addressing
stormwater discharges from regulated new and redevelopment projects
104. Has your municipality adopted a stormwater management ordinance in
accordance with WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II Section C.5.a.ii.A)?
105. If your ordinance has not been adopted, please describe the progress made towards final ordinance adoption
during this reporting period, and expected date of final adoption. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
106. Does your (proposed) ordinance include language incorporating the development incentives
described in the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II Section C.5.a.ii.A.3)?
107. Does your (proposed) ordinance include language incorporating the off-site mitigation or fee-
in lieu alternatives to on-site BMP implementation as described in the WV MS4 2009 General
Permit (Part II Section C.5.a.ii.A.4)?
108. Have you developed a process for reviewing and updating your ordinance and program
implementation to address the adequacy of provisions for: i) requiring runoff volume
reduction on new and redevelopment sites, ii) plan review, iii) BMP construction and
maintenance inspections, iv) enforcement, v) inventory and tracking, and vi) record keeping
and reporting?
109. How many projects were reviewed during the reporting period?
110. What types of projects were reviewed (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.)?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 18, #2)
111. Provide a summary of the number and types of stormwater BMPs approved in new and redevelopment projects
during the reporting period. Please list the BMPs according to the BMP specification number from the WV
Stormwater Management Manual (2012). (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 18, #3)
Mike Bragg
(304) 366-0540
The types of projects reviewed were residential,commercial and industrial. These projects were reviewed and
monitored to completion.
During the reporting period we were able to use three bio-swales, five dry ponds, two rain gardens, one underground
storage and five green space diversions as types of storm water BMP's
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112. Provide a summary of the number and type of projects that qualified for each of the development incentives
described in the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II Section C.5.a.ii.A.3) during the reporting period. Please
indicate if you have attached additional documentation. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 18, #3)
113. Provide a summary of the number of projects that qualified for any offsite mitigation or payment in lieu options
described in the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II, Section C.b.5.a.ii.A.4) during the reporting period. Please
indicate if you attach additional documentation. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 18, #3)
114. How many maintenance agreements were approved during the reporting period?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 18, #4)
115. Were any maintenance agreements recorded at the county courthouse?
116. Provide a summary of the number and type of stormwater BMP inspections conducted by MS4 personnel or
contracted agents (construction as-built, ongoing operation and maintenance audits, complaint driven, etc.).
Include (or attach) a summary of: i) the type and number of BMPs requiring maintenance or repair, ii) the number
brought into compliance, and iii) the number of enforcement actions taken.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 18, #5)
117. Did you achieve all the goals that you identified in your SWMP related to developing and/or
implementing and assessing a stormwater management program for this reporting period?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #3)
118. If not, please describe the progress you did make towards achieving your goal(s), and any obstacles and possible
solutions such as revised implementation schedules or revised measurable goals. If you are proposing any
changes to your SWMP goals or schedule, please include them in Section V above.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
One project qualified as a Brownfield redevelopment site and two sites where classified as redevelopment sites.
No projects qualified for this section of the General Permit.
During calender year 2018 inspections were conducted to make sure the private owners are maintaining the
BMP's properly. the two dry ponds,five rain gardens and two swells where inspected with eleven dry ponds,
eleven rain gardens and one swell from existing projects.
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Performance Measure 5b: Long-term watershed protection elements
119. Does a local ordinance or equivalent document incorporate the watershed
protection elements described in WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II Section
120. If yes, please describe how the permittee’s legal authority addresses the following watershed protection
elements: (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 18, #1)
121. Minimize impervious cover.
122. Preserve, protect, create, and
restore ecologically sensitive
123. Implement practices that
prevent or reduce thermal
impacts to streams.
124. Seek to avoid or prevent
hydromodification of water
bodies caused by development.
125. Minimize impacts to existing
vegetation (especially trees).
126. Minimize impacts to native
undisturbed soils.
127. If the watershed protection elements have not yet been incorporated into a planning document or ordinance,
please describe the actions to be taken to incorporate these elements. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
Performance Measure 5c: Street and parking design assessments
128. Were the proposed activities for assessing the current street design guidelines and parking
requirements implemented?
129. If this is your third-year report, please attach your report assessing the current street and parking design
requirements, and recommendations and proposed schedules for incorporating policies and standards to
maximize vegetation and minimize impervious cover where possible. (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #8)
Zoning Codes Section 1345
Ordinance 1355
Ordinance 1355
Ordinance 1355
Ordinance 1355
Ordinance 1355
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XI. MCM 6: Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 19-21)
130. Did you complete all the required performance measures for this MCM for this reporting
131. Contact:
132. Phone:
Performance Measures 6a and 6b: Develop and implement an operation and maintenance program for all municipal
facilities that includes prevents or reduces the discharge of polluted runoff
133. Were the proposed activities for developing a pollution prevention and good
housekeeping program for municipal operations implemented?
134. List and briefly describe the activities outlined in your SWMP for the development of a pollution prevention and
good housekeeping program for municipal operations undertaken during this reporting period.
135. Do you have a pollution prevention plan for each of your municipal facilities as required by the
WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II Section C.b.6.a)?
136. Do you have an inspection schedule for conducting inspections at your municipal facilities as
required by the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II Section C.b.6.a)?
137. Are you tracking and maintaining records of inspection and maintenance activities for each
municipal facility as required by the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II Section C.b.6.a)?
138. If you answered no to any of the previous three questions, please indicate your proposed schedule for
implementing the requirements of the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II Section C.b.6.a).
139. How many inspections were conducted at each municipal facility during the reporting period?
140. List the top three problems that you have found while conducting inspections at municipal facilities.
141. Were these problems corrected? (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
Mike Bragg
(304) 366-0540
The staff has been trained on good house keeping maintenance, and we conduct inspections.
Old oil filters still on top of oil waste drum,small spots of oil on floor and dirt on the floor.
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142. Did you achieve all the goals that you identified in your SWMP related to developing a
pollution prevention and good housekeeping program for municipal operations for this
reporting period? (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #3)
143. If not, please describe the progress you did make towards achieving your goal(s), and any obstacles and possible
solutions such as revised implementation schedules or revised measurable goals. If you are proposing any
changes to your SWMP goals or schedule, please include them in Section V above.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
Performance Measure 6c: Municipal employee good housekeeping training
144. Were the proposed activities for developing a pollution prevention and good
housekeeping training program for municipal employees implemented as
described in the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II, Section C.b.6.c)?
145. Were the proposed activities for implementing a pollution prevention and good
housekeeping training program for municipal employees implemented as
described in the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II, Section C.b.6.c)?
146. Did municipal employees receive training in accordance with the guidelines
described in the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II, Section C.b.6.c)?
147. How many employees received training during the reporting period?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
148. Are you maintaining records of all municipal training activities (including training agendas,
learning objectives, instructor qualifications, sign in sheets, etc.)?
149. Explain how the effectiveness of the training activities was evaluated (number of employees trained and/or
certified in specific good housekeeping skills, measurable improvements in cost or performance of facility
maintenance activities, or as outlined in your SWMP). (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #2)
150. Did you achieve all the goals that you identified in your SWMP related to training municipal
employees on pollution prevention and good housekeeping for this reporting period?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #3)
151. If not, please describe the progress you did make towards achieving your goal(s), and any obstacles and possible
solutions such as revised implementation schedules or revised measurable goals. If you are proposing any
changes to your SWMP goals or schedule, please include them in Section V above.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
By having 12 employees trained they are learning how to keep better work area, know what to do when a spill occurs, and
the facilities are looking better in this Performance Measure.