West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection MS4 Annual Reporting Form
Last updated: June 15, 2012 Page 17 of 17
142. Did you achieve all the goals that you identified in your SWMP related to developing a
pollution prevention and good housekeeping program for municipal operations for this
reporting period? (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #3)
143. If not, please describe the progress you did make towards achieving your goal(s), and any obstacles and possible
solutions such as revised implementation schedules or revised measurable goals. If you are proposing any
changes to your SWMP goals or schedule, please include them in Section V above.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
Performance Measure 6c: Municipal employee good housekeeping training
144. Were the proposed activities for developing a pollution prevention and good
housekeeping training program for municipal employees implemented as
described in the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II, Section C.b.6.c)?
145. Were the proposed activities for implementing a pollution prevention and good
housekeeping training program for municipal employees implemented as
described in the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II, Section C.b.6.c)?
146. Did municipal employees receive training in accordance with the guidelines
described in the WV MS4 2009 General Permit (Part II, Section C.b.6.c)?
147. How many employees received training during the reporting period?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #1)
148. Are you maintaining records of all municipal training activities (including training agendas,
learning objectives, instructor qualifications, sign in sheets, etc.)?
149. Explain how the effectiveness of the training activities was evaluated (number of employees trained and/or
certified in specific good housekeeping skills, measurable improvements in cost or performance of facility
maintenance activities, or as outlined in your SWMP). (WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #2)
150. Did you achieve all the goals that you identified in your SWMP related to training municipal
employees on pollution prevention and good housekeeping for this reporting period?
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #3)
151. If not, please describe the progress you did make towards achieving your goal(s), and any obstacles and possible
solutions such as revised implementation schedules or revised measurable goals. If you are proposing any
changes to your SWMP goals or schedule, please include them in Section V above.
(WV MS4 2009 General Permit, p. 24, #4)
By having 12 employees trained they are learning how to keep better work area, know what to do when a spill occurs, and
the facilities are looking better in this Performance Measure.