Please send signed and completed forms to the Graduate College Tomlinson Ste. 113 or scan and email to
Arkansas Tech University Graduate College: Admission to Candidacy (2019-2020)
Master of Science in Health Informatics
T#___________________ Last Name: _________________________ First Name: ______________________
Daytime Phone: _____________________ Advisor: _____________________ Option: __________________
Catalog Year___________ Expected Graduation Term____________ GPA: ______
I request permission to transfer the following from another institution (official transcript included):
Course: ____________________ Institution: _________________for ATU Course: ______________________
Course: ____________________ Institution: _________________for ATU Course: ______________________
Course: ____________________ Institution: _________________for ATU Course: ______________________
I request to substitute the following ATU courses (provide course prefix, number and title):
ATU Course: __________________________________ for ATU Course: _______________________________
ATU Course: __________________________________ for ATU Course: _______________________________
ATU Course: __________________________________ for ATU Course: _______________________________
Program of courses to be completed (35 hours)
Term Term
Required Courses (23 hours): Grade Completed Anticipated
HI 6053 Emerging Trends in Health Information
HI 6063 Leadership in Health Informatics
HI 6073 Security and Privacy in Health Informatics
HI 6083 Health Care Policy
INFT 5403 Introduction to Information Technology and Systems
INFT 5203 Database Systems
Math 5173 Advanced Biostatistics
Term Term
Thesis or Research Project (6 hours): Grade Completed Anticipated
HI 6991-6 Thesis Research
Or HI 6983 Research Project AND
Additional 3 hour elective
Term Term
Elective Courses (6 hours)*: Grade Completed Anticipated
INFT 6013 Decision Support Systems
INFT 6903 Emerging Trends in IT
INFT 5053 Information Systems Resource Management
INFT 5303 Developing and Administering Web Sites
*Additional approved electives may be available.