400-00842 - Motion To Continue Court Hearing (09/2010) Page 1 of 2
1. I am the
☐ Plaintiff
☐ Plaintiff’s attorney
☐ Defendant
☐ Defendant’s attorney
2. I request a continuance of a court hearing scheduled on _______________ at ______ ☐ AM ☐ PM.
date of hearing time
3. I received a notice from the court about this hearing on _________________.
4. The reason for this request is: (check the reason that applies)
☐ Conflicting Court Dates: the date and/or time of this hearing conflicts with another scheduled court
Date and time of conflicting court appearance: _______________ at ______ ☐ AM ☐ PM.
date of hearing time
Name of Court: ___________________________________________
I have filed a continuance request in that court: ☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Other Scheduling Conflict for myself or my client: (please describe)
Attorneys Please Note: If conflict is dues to a previously scheduled vacation, please note whether the
Court was informed of your vacation plans and, if so, when you provided notice.
☐ Witness Unavailability: a witness I intend to call at this hearing is not available at the time of the
Name of Witness: _____________________________________________________________
Residence: ___________________________________________________________________
Relationship to case (e.g. arresting officer): _________________________________________
Substance of Testimony: ________________________________________________________
Date on which witness notified of hearing date: ______________________________________
Date on which you were notified of scheduling problem: _______________________________
Reason for unavailability: ________________________________________________________
If there is illness, this motion must be accompanied by an affidavit of a physician.
See V.R.C.P. 40(d)(2).