The Monroe Manufactures Jobs program is only available to manufacturers as determined
by Monroe County. Payments from the program will be made upon providing evidence that
the employee hired has been employed for at least one year from the date of hire.
The undersigned officer of the Company hereby certifies, on behalf of the Company, as follows:
A. The information contained in this application is true and correct. The Company is aware that
any material misrepresentation made in this application constitutes an act of fraud, resulting in
termination of participation in the Monroe Manufactures Jobs program.
B. The Company agrees to retain the full-time employee for a minimum of one year from the date
of hire on application. The company agrees to complete a survey at the end of the first year.
C. The Company will maintain its headquarters at a nonresidential address in Monroe County.
D. The undersigned on behalf of the Company certifies that the Company and its officers (owning
more than 20% of the Company) are current on all real property, federal, state, sales, income and
withholding taxes.
E. Company understands qualification for participation in the program is to be determined by
Monroe County in its sole discretion.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this company’s certificate as of this date:
Company’s Name:
Print Name & Title:
Applied Technology Center at MCC to remit completed orginal form to:
Monroe County Planning & Economic Development
50 West Main Street,
Suite 8100
Rochester, New York 14614-1218
Phone: (585) 753-2000
Monroe County Economic Development
50 West Main Street, Suite 8100
Rochester, New York 14614-1218
(585) 753-2000 Fax (585) 753-2002