Eileen C. Comia, M.D.
35 Jolley Drive Suite 102
Bloomfield CT 06002
Tel (860)242-2200
Fax (860)242-2212
We have adopted the following policies for HBOT sessions in our Center.
• Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your therapy session.
• All persons receiving treatment must do a consultation with Dr. Comia prior to beginning therapy.
• Caregivers who wish to accompany a patient in the chamber must complete a separate Informed
Consent form, and be cleared from any contraindications to being inside the chamber.
• Please bring a clean bedsheet and a pillow so you may be comfortable inside the chamber.
• An oxygen mask will be provided. Patients are responsible for the care, cleaning, and storage of their
own oxygen mask. Please bring a plastic bag (Ziploc) to store your oxygen mask for reuse in your
next dive. Properly label the bag.
• To minimize fire hazards in the chamber:
Do not use any perfume/cologne, oils, lotion (after-shave, body), hair spray, nail polish, and
petroleum-based products (such as Vaseline) prior to therapy session.
No electronic equipment (e.g. cell phones, laptop, video games, watch, etc.) will be allowed
in the chamber. Reading a book/journal is allowed in the chamber.
Do not take any flammable items (such as lighters, matches) into the chamber.
• No food or drink allowed inside the chamber. (Exception: A sippy-cup for small children will be
allowed to help open the ear duct when the pressure rises.)
• Please do not bring jewelry or other valuables into the chamber.
• Please call the office at least 24 hours prior to your session if you need to cancel/reschedule.
In full knowledge of the afore-mentioned statements, I understand and agree to abide by the policies
noted above.
Date of Birth
Date Signed
Printed Name
Patient Signature
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature, if patient is a minor