Never Occasionally Frequently Always
16) Avoids messy play; does not like face, hands, or feet to be dirty
Never Occasionally Frequently Always
17) Avoids many foods and/or foods with varying textures, such as fruit in
yogurt or nuts in a candy bar
Never Occasionally Frequently Always
18) Bothered by background noise (i.e., humming of lights, school
intercom, computers, fans)
Never Occasionally Frequently Always
19) Bothered by loud and/or unexpected sounds, such as intercom, door
closing loudly, flushing toilet, fire alarm
Never Occasionally Frequently Always
20) Doesn’t like being touched/over responds to unexpected touch bumps
Never Occasionally Frequently Always
21) Doesn’t notice pain or has a slow response to pain when hurt
Never Occasionally Frequently Always
22) Plays too roughly; hurts others inadvertently
Never Occasionally Frequently Always
23) Constantly on the move; seeks intense, crashing or rough play
Never Occasionally Frequently Always
24) Avoids sustained eye contact