Employee’s Name Retirement Date
Length of Transitional Retirement Period
Indicate the semester(s) and percent of time to be worked for each semester during the
academic/fiscal year of the transitional retirement period
Work Schedule/Duties
Special conditions that apply that are not otherwise addressed above or on the reverse side of this
The employee agrees to the conditions and limitations above and on the reverse side of this
Employee Date Vice President Date
Department Chair Date
Dean Date
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1. As required by Section VIII.A.3. of the Faculty Employment Handbook of Metropolitan
State University of Denver, this agreement shall not obligate the University to employ a retiree
for more than a maximum of three fiscal years.
2. Application for retirement benefits will be approved by PERA or the ORP prior to the
start of transitional employment. Transitional Retirees may postpone ORP distributions
until they are subject to IRS minimum distribution requirements.
3. Transitional employment shall not exceed the statutory limitations as stated in Section
VIII.A.3. of MSU Denver’s Faculty Employment Handbook.
4. Employment by MSU Denver shall automatically terminate at the end of the
transitional employment period which may not exceed three calendar years from the
date of retirement including all extensions.
5. Transitional retirees shall not retain their right to continued employment or
reemployment by the University. They shall, however, retain their academic rank (if
6. Transitional retirees are subject to provisions of the Trustees’ Handbook and the
MSU Denver Faculty Employment Handbook which are not inconsistent with
Transitional Retirement Policies or the transitional retirement contract.
7. Transitional retirees on contracts for less than 0.50 FTE during any fiscal year are
eligible to participate in the University’s retiree life, health and dental insurance plan, if
available on the terms and conditions applicable to other retirees.
8. When employed for 0.50 FTE or more during the fiscal year, transitional retirees are
eligible to participate in the University’s group life, health and dental insurance plans
on the same terms and conditions that apply to non-retired employees.
9. The University may reevaluate any insurance coverage provided to transitional retirees
and may adjust or eliminate such coverage on a fiscal year basis.
10. Financial obligations of the State of Colorado and MSU Denver payable after the
current fiscal year are contingent upon funds for the purpose being appropriated,
budgeted, and otherwise made available.