A. General:
a. In-process and out-process employee
b. Provide appropriate resources for employee to perform JDA, including
office and desk space, communications and computer support (e.g.
JWICS, SIPR, NIPR), telephones (classified and unclassified), copier, and
similar support provided to the gaining element’s own employees of
similar grade
c. Notify employing element in a timely manner of significant developments
regarding an employee on a JDA, including but not limited to an award or
recognition, hospitalization, a security violation, an arrest, mobilization,
change of supervisor, senior officer tier level changes, general schedule or
general schedule equivalent position grade changes, reorganization, or
performance issues
B. Bonuses/Awards, Promotion and Time and Attendance:
a. Fund bonuses/awards given in recognition of employee contributions to
gaining element, discuss and coordinate with employing element
b. Transfer funds to the employing element for reimbursable JDA via
Economy Act Order (e.g. Military Interdepartmental Purchase Order)
and/or Department of Treasury Intra-Governmental Payment Collections
System as appropriate, including bonuses referenced in section V (Ba).
c. Recommend, as appropriate, any performance based pay adjustment
d. Supervisor certifies as accurate time and attendance of employee on a JDA
in accordance with employing element’s forms and procedures
e. The Gaining Element must allow the employee sufficient time off to use
all compensatory time accrued during the JDA prior to returning to the
Employing Element.
C. Security and Medical:
a. Request employing element transmit security and medical clearance(s) or
medical certifications as required
b. Provide security support in accordance with gaining element’s standard
policies, procedures and regulations
c. Where required, provide support to maintain cover of covert employees on
a JDA in accordance with applicable employing element guidelines
d. If cover is required, the gaining element will coordinate requirements with
the employing element.