This Memorandum of Understanding is an agreement between _______________ High School and Kankakee
Community College (KCC) to identify and agree on rules for Dual Credit courses. Dual Credit arrangements
will comply with the Illinois Dual Credit Quality Act and the Administrative Rules of the Illinois Community
College Board.
The High School District agrees to:
1. Submit all Dual Credit course requests for approval by KCC administration as outlined in KCC’s Dual
Credit Guidebook.
2. Identify only junior and senior students to participate in Dual Credit courses.
3. Submit all student paperwork (college recommendation form, high school transcript, registration form, and
assessment scores – ACT, SAT, etc.) by established deadlines which will be provided annually by KCC.
4. Ensure that students in the class, including those choosing to decline dual credit, are listed on the class
roster provided by the high school.
5. Ensure that each student in the class meets course eligibility requirements. Failure to comply will forfeit
college credit for all students enrolled in that course section.
6. Once the class roster is confirmed for both the high school and college, the roster will be considered
certified. Student additions will not be considered after this point. Students choosing to withdraw must do
so by the KCC deadline.
7. Ensure dual credit instructors complete all grade reporting (10
day, midterm, final, etc.) online as required
by the college’s Office of Admissions and Registration. Grades will be assigned following the college
grading scale and policies.
8. Ensure that coursework and instructional strategies are designed in alignment with KCC’s master course
syllabi, course-level student learning outcomes, and textbooks as approved by the appropriate academic
division. Working course syllabi will be submitted to the appropriate academic division for consideration
and review by established deadlines provided annually by KCC.
9. Participate in KCC’s Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes process.
The community college will:
1. Provide the school district with all appropriate forms including registration forms, evaluation forms, final
grades, instructor/course evaluation forms and provide access/directions for online reporting of midterm
and final grades.
2. Provide appropriate assessment testing, as required.
3. Ensure that instructors assigned to dual credit classes meet KCC’s established minimum qualifications.
4. Ensure that participating students meet the course prerequisite requirements, as applicable.
5. Award college credit and record student grades on an official KCC transcript.
6. Conduct evaluation of instruction which will include classroom observations at a minimum.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Vice President, Date Principal Date
Instructional and Student Success
High School