Palmetto GBA Part A, Part B & HHH EDI Enrollment Packet
Page 1 June 2020
This information is intended as reference to be used in addition to information from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS). Use or disclosure of the data contained on this page is subject to restriction by Palmetto GBA.
Using Electronic Data Interchange Services
Palmetto GBA has prepared this packet for Part A, Part B and HHH submitters. Palmetto GBA
administers the Part A & Part B contracts for Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina,
Tennessee, Virginia* and West Virginia*, in addition to home health and hospice (HHH) services
provided in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and
*Virginia (VA) & West Virginia (WV) Part A: Palmetto GBA has subcontracted with National
Government Services (NGS) to continue EDI support of the Virginia and West Virginia Part A workload
for Palmetto GBA. Please contact the NGS Help Desk at 855-696-0705 for EDI support.
The Part A/Part B EDI Enrollment packet contains forms and explanations for each of the services offered
by our Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) department. For further information regarding any of this
material, please call the Palmetto GBA EDI Provider Contact Center toll-free at:
Jurisdiction J Part A and Part B: 877-567-7271
Jurisdiction M Part A, Part B and HHH: 855-696-0705
When submitting completed forms, please allow a processing time of approximately 15 business days.
Remember – Palmetto GBA cannot process incomplete applications or agreements! Please fill in all
appropriate blanks and make all checks payable to Palmetto GBA.
If you are a provider waiting for a provider number, please wait before submitting any EDI forms! You
must be assigned your provider number before completing any of the paperwork below. To apply for a
provider number, please call the Provider Contact Center toll-free at:
Jurisdiction J Part A and Part B: 877-567-7271
Jurisdiction M Part A, Part B and HHH: 855-696-0705
The Administrative Simplification Compliance Act (ASCA) prohibits Medicare coverage of claims
submitted to Medicare on paper, except in limited situations. All initial claims for reimbursement from
Medicare must be submitted electronically, with limited exceptions.
For more information on Palmetto GBA EDI options, please visit our website at
www.palmettogba.com/EDI or email us at Medicare.EDI@PalmettoGBA.com. The CMS Electronic Billing
& EDI Transactions Web page at https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Billing/ElectronicBillingEDITrans/index.html
also includes detailed information on EDI and the Administrative Simplification provision.
You can check the status of Palmetto GBA’s EDI Systems by visiting the Palmetto GBA website.
Under Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), select “EDI System Status.” This pop-up window will display
the current status of several systems. The pop-up window will automatically refresh every 60 seconds so
you can keep it up during the day. We will update the EDI System Status window with information on
any system-related issue. When a problem occurs, such as a delay with posting remittance files, a detailed
informational message will display below the affected system. This message will be updated until the
problem has been corrected. Please visit this area on the Palmetto GBA website prior to calling the
Palmetto GBA Provider Contact Center with system status questions.
Please register on our website (www.palmettogba.com/EDI) to receive EDI news electronically. By
selecting “Email Updates” (which displays at the top of all pages) and completing a user profile, you will
be notified via email when new or important EDI information is added to our website. If you have already
registered, please ensure your profile has been updated for applicable EDI categories. Users of PC-ACE
Pro32, PCPrint or Medicare Remittance Easy Print (MREP) should select the Palmetto GBA Software
Users topic located under the General category. This category also includes a special topic created for
Vendors, Clearinghouses and Billing Services.