FOURTH: Pursuant to
5 MRSA §108.3, the registered agent as listed above has consented to serve as the
registered agent for this limited partnership.
FIFTH: The name, street and mailing address of each general partner is:
Name Address
____________________________________ ___________________________________________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________________________
Names and addresses of additional general partners are attached as Exhibit ____, and made a part hereof.
SIXTH: Check only if applicable
The limited partnership is a limited liability limited partnership.
(If checked, the name in Item First must contain one of the following: "Limited Liability Limited
Partnership", "L.L.L.P." or "LLLP" and cannot contain the abbreviation of “L.P” or “LP”; see
SEVENTH: Check only if applicable
This is a professional limited liability limited partnership* formed pursuant to 31 MRSA §1354.4 to
provide the following professional services:
(see 13 MRSA, chapter 22-A for information on what constitutes
professional services)
(type of professional services)
EIGHTH: Other provisions of this certificate, if any, that the partners determine to include OR any additional information as
required by
31 MRSA subchapter 11 are set forth in the attached Exhibit ______ and made a part hereof.
Dated __________________________
General Partner(s) **
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
(signature) (type or print name)
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
(signature) (type or print name)
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
(signature) (type or print name)
Form No. MLPA-6 (2 of 3)