Part 1
Test Question Bank
Module 1
1. Which is true regarding unemployment rates? Answer ______
a. The unemployment rate for people with a bachelor’s degree and a high school
diploma are the same.
b. People with a bachelor’s degree experience an unemployment rate that is half that of
those with a high school diploma.
c. The unemployment rate depends on how hard you try to get a job, not the level of
education you have received.
d. None of the above are true.
2. Which is true regarding earnings? Answer ______
a. Someone with a bachelor’s degree will earn almost twice as much as someone with
just a high school diploma.
b. Earnings mostly depend on how much you work.
c. The amount you earn is not really related to your level of education.
d. All of the above are true.
3. Since the most important priority in college is academic study, you should not distract
yourself with clubs, organizations, or activities. This statement is:
Answer ______
a. True
b. False
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