Homeschool Certifcate
Please complete this form AFTER you have graduated from your homeschool program.
Mail the completed form to: Manchester Community College Admissions Office, MS #12, Great Path, P.O. Box 1046, Manchester, CT 06045-1046 or
fax to: 860-512-3221. More information, call 860-512-3210.
To be eligible for admission into a degree or certificate program and to receive federal student aid, a student must have a high school diploma or General Education
Development (GED) certificate, meet other state standards that are approved by the U.S. Department of Education, or complete a high school education in a homeschool
setting that is treated as a homeschool or private school under state law.
Please provide evidence that you have completed your secondary education in a homeschool setting, or have satisfied the homeschool completion requirements of the
state where you were homeschooled, by selecting one of the choices below. You may also wish to describe the nature of your secondary education or attach a copy of
other appropriate documentation.
Please select only one.
I was homeschooled and have a secondary school completion credential for homeschool provided under state law.
I was homeschooled, but my state does not require a homeschooled student to obtain the credential described in the above option; furthermore, I
have completed a secondary school education in a homeschool setting that is not considered to be in violation of the state’s truancy laws. (Connecticut
homeschoolers can check this option; homeschoolers from all other states should verify said state’s laws.)
Graduation Date
I certify that the information provided on this form and on any attachment is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. If admitted, the applicant is
willing to abide by all rules and regulations of the college and recognizes that any misleading information given to the college may be cause for dismissal.
Student First Name MI Last Name
Date of Birth Banner ID
Student Signature
A parent’s signature is required if the applicant is under 18 years of age.
Parent Signature
November 2019/PR