B1. Are you aware of defects in the roof?
Roof defects may include items such as leakage or significant problems with gutters or eaves.
B2. Are you aware of defects in the electrical system?
Electrical defects may include items such as electrical wiring not in compliance with
applicable code, knob and tube wiring, 60 amp service, or aluminumbranch circuit
B3. Are you aware of def
ects in part of the plumbing system (including the water heater,
water softener, and swimming pool)?
Other plumbing system defects may include items such as leaks or defects in pipes,
toilets, interior or exterior faucets, bathtubs, showers, or any sprinkler system.
B4. Are you aware of defects in the heating and air conditioning system (including the air
filters and humidifiers)?
Heating and air conditioning defects may include items such as d
efects in the heating
ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, supplemental heaters, ventilating fans
or fixtures, or solar collectors.
B5. Are you aware of defects in a woodburning stove or fireplace or of other defects caused
by a fire in a stove or fireplace or elsewhere on the property?
Such defects may include items such as defects in the chimney, fireplace flue, inserts, or
other installed fireplace equipment; or woodburning stoves
not installed pursuant to
applicable code.
B6. Are you aware of defects related to smoke detectors or carbon monoxide detectors or a
violation of applicable state or local smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector laws?
NOTE: State law requires operating smoke detectors on all levels of all residential
properties and operating carbon monoxide detectors on all levels of most residential
properties (see Wis. Stat. ch. 101).
B7. Are you aware of defects in the basemen
t or foundation (including cracks, seepage, and
Other basement defects may include items such as flooding, defects in drain tiling or
sump pumps, or movement, shifting, or deterioration in the foundation.
B8. Are you aware of defects in any structure on the property?
Structural defects with respect to the residence or other improvements may include items
such as movement, shifting, or deterioration in walls; major cracks or flaws in in
terior or
exterior walls, partitions, or the foundation; wood rot; and significant problems with
driveways, sidewalks, patios, decks, fences, waterfront piers or walls, windows, doors,
floors, ceilings, stairways, or insulation.
B9. Are you aware of defects in mechanical equipment included in the sale either as fixtures
or personal property?
Mechanical equipment defects may include items such as defects in any appliance,
central vacuum,
garage door opener, inground sprinkler, or inground pet containment
system that is included in the sale.
B10. Are you aware of rented items located on the property such as a water softener or other
water conditioner system or other items affixed to or closely associated with the property?
B11. Are you aware of basement, window, or plumbing leaks, overflow from sinks, bathtubs, or
sewers, or other ongoing water or moisture intrusions or conditions?
B12. Explanation of yes r
esponses ___________________________________________________________________
C1. Are you aware of the presence of unsafe levels of mold?
C2. Are you aware of a defect caused by unsafe concentrations of, or unsafe conditions
relating to, radon, radium in water supplies, high voltage electric (100 KV or greater) or
steel natural gas transmission lines located on but not directly serving the property, lead
in pa
, lead in soil, or other potentially
hazardous or toxic substances on the property?
NOTE: Specific federal lead paint disclosure requirements must be complied with in the
sale of most residential properties built before 1978.
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