Continuing Education Division Registration Form
Course Title: ______________________________________________________________________________
Student Social Security Number Birthdate Sex: Male Female
Name ___________________________________________________________________________________
Last First Middle/Maiden
Address City State Zip
County Residence _____________________________ Home Phone (________) ________________________
Cell Phone (________) _________________________ Work Phone (_______) ________________________
E-mail Address _____________________________________________________________________________
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino Not Hispanic/Latino
Race: (check one or more)
American/Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hawaiian/Pacific Islander White
Employment Status: Full-time Part-time Unemployed (seeking) Unemployed (not seeking) Retired Volunteer
Employer _________________________________________________________________________________
Occupation ________________________________________________________________________________
Highest educational level completed: (check one) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
HSE Diploma (formerly GED) Adult High School Diploma College Vocational Diploma Associate Degree
Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree or Higher
Senior Citizen Fire & Rescue/EMS/Law Enforcement Dual Enrollment Employee Inmate
Fee Waived Is your tuition being paid by an agency/organization? If yes, please specify:
(Copy of authorization to pay must be on file or attached to registration form)
How did you hear about this course? Please check only one.
Flyer MCC Website School Mailing Advertisement Other:
List other programs you would like to receive information on:
Student Signature _____________________________________________________ Date _____/_____/______
Consumer information is available to all students and prospective students in keeping with the requirements established by the Higher Education Opportunity Act. General information
about the College including financial assistance; annual campus crime report ( retention, transfer and completion
rates; and FERPA rights are available. This information may be accessed on the College’s website under the Campus Information Link. Paper copies are available upon request in the
Registration Center in Building 1 or the Continuing Education Office in Building 2 during daytime business hours. Paper copies are available from the switchboard in Building 1 during
evening hours.
Photography & Quote Release: I hereby authorize Martin Community College to use my image and/or
quotes for any use the College deems appropriate in the promotion and marketing of MCC. I fully discharge
MCC from any and all claims, monetary or otherwise, arising out of the use of my image or quote.