List your three last employers, starting with the most recent. Include military service
and volunteer work, if applicable.
Reason for leaving
Reason for leaving
Reason for leaving
CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT: I certify that the information provided by me in connection with my application for employment with
Manor College is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that, if I am oered employment with Manor College, the
oer of employment will be subject to my successful completion of drug screening and/or medical examination (if applicable), background check,
criminal record check, and any other requirements. If the drug screening, medical examination, background check, criminal record check, or other
investigation discloses any misrepresentations, falsications or relevant omissions on my application/resume or information provided in
connection with my application, or indicates, in Manor College’s sole discretion, that I am not suited for employment with Manor College, my
application will be rejected or, if already employed, my employment may be terminated. I authorize Manor College and any aliated entities and
any agent(s) acting on their behalf to investigate any and all information I have provided in connection with this application. I release Manor
College and any aliated and their agents(s) from any and all claims, causes of action and liabiities arising out of verication of the information I
have provided and its determination of my qualications and abilities. I further release from all claims, causes of action and liabilities all persons
or entities that provide information about me in connection with said investigation.
I understand that, if hired, I will be an employee “at will” and that either I or Manor College may terminate my
employment, at any time and for any reason, without prior notice.
Signature of Applicant
Dates of Employment
Describe Work Performed
Weekly Salary (Start and Final)
Describe Work Performed
Describe Work Performed