© 2020 David Eccles School of Business
Make an appointment with your academic advisor to confirm your path to graduation at
2020-2021 CATALOG YEAR
Understand organizational culture.
Learn how to adapt to change,
inspire change, and facilitate the
accomplishment of strategic goals.
Admission to the Management major is competitive. Please visit Eccles.link/MGT-Admission for
information about admission criteria and policies.
In addition to completing the University of Utah’s and David Eccles School of Business’s Core
requirements, students seeking a Bachelor’s Degree in Management must complete the following
Students can find full course descriptions and requisite details in the general catalog at catalog.utah.edu
and on the class schedule.
Visit Eccles.link/BCore to see what core you have been assigned and make an appointment with your
academic advisor at Eccles.link/youradvisor to confirm your path to graduation.
MGT 5500 – Managing and Leading in Organizations
C- or better in MGT 3680 or 3681,
BCOR 3030, or MGT 3000
MGT 5600 – Business Ethics
C- or better in MGT 3680 or 3681,
BCOR 3030, or MGT 3000
Management electives include, but are not limited to, the courses below. For the most up-to-date offerings,
please consult the class schedule and your academic advisor. Students must take at least 6 credits of MGT
prefix electives; the other 6 credits may be non-MGT prefix electives.
MGT 3600 – Managing & Working in Groups & Teams
C- or better in MGT 3680 or 3681,
BCOR 3030, or MGT 3000