1. Program information:
Indicate numbers and types of cases handled for each of the past three years. List all types of
ADR services provided. Describe in detail the services listed on the cover sheet which your
program has previously provided to a court. Describe any special expertise your program
offers based on experience or training of neutrals on your roster. To comply with the need for
foreign languages, American Sign Language or oral interpreting, list any related fluency on
the part of your neutrals. Describe the hours your program’s services are available.
2. Space:
If approved, where will you provide services? If space is not available in a courthouse, where,
specifically, would you provide services in each division? Is the space handicapped
accessible? Describe any guidelines you have for the type of space required.
3. Methodology:
Describe and attach your process and policies in accordance with Uniform Rule 7(a) for
receiving referrals, screening referrals for appropriateness, scheduling or canceling sessions,
distributing cases among neutrals on the roster and following up after sessions. Describe your
policies for assuring that clients are not subject to inappropriate pressure to settle.
4. Quality Control:
Describe in detail how you will evaluate your programs performance and how you will
monitor your neutrals. Describe any additional steps you take to ensure the quality of services
you provide. Describe your process for assembling and maintaining the roster of neutrals,
including the methods for adding and removing neutrals in accordance with Uniform Rule
5. Record keeping:
Describe the types of records you keep and the types of data you collect.
6. Diversity:
Describe or attach any policies you have prohibiting discrimination against your staff, neutrals
or clients. Describe any policies which promote diversity as to race, gender, ethnicity,
experience, and training among your staff, your neutrals and your clients.
7. Fees:
If you plan to charge fees for any court-connected services, attach your fee schedule, including
specified criteria for fee waived or reduced fee services to be made available to indigent and
low income litigants. (Fees must be approved by the Chief Justice of the Department in which
services are provided.) Also, please see the new Fee Policy for Dispute Resolution Services
in the Appendixes as Appendix D and Section 4 of the Instructions for Program Application
regarding departmental implementation of that policy.