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From: To:
last name first name middle initial last name first name middle initial
last name first name middle initial
last name first name middle initial
last name first name middle initial
last name first name middle initial
last name first name middle initial
last name first name middle initial
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Trustee last name first name middle initial Relationship to plan member
From: To:
last name first name middle initial last name first name middle initial
Relationship to plan member:
Effective date: Month Day Year
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6. Plan member name
7. Beneficiary designation
This section must be completed to
designate a beneficiary for your life
benefits, if applicable.
The original of this form will be
required for a life claim.
Crossed out beneficiary
designations must be initialed.
I hereby revoke all previous beneficiary designations and designate the following as beneficiary(ies).
Primary Beneficiary
to plan member
To be divided as follows: As per the percentage indicated above, or
In equal shares to the survivor(s)
8. Contingent beneficiary
If you wish to appoint a contingent
beneficiary in the event that
there are no surviving primary
beneficiaries at the time of your
death, please complete this
If there are no surviving benficiaries at the time of my death, I declare that the following Contingent Beneficiaries shall
receive the proceeds. If there are no surviving Contingent Beneficiaries at the time of my death, the proceeds shall be paid
to my estate.
Contingent Beneficiary
to plan member
To be divided as follows: As per the percentage indicated above, or
In equal shares to the survivor(s)
You may change this beneficiary designation at any time upon notice to Canada Life. If you wish to make the beneficiary
designation irrevocable (meaning you may not change the designation or make certain changes to your coverage under
the plan without the written consent of the beneficiary) please complete form #M6348 BIL.
Note: Where Quebec law applies and you have designated your married spouse or civil union spouse as beneficiary,
the designation will be irrevocable unless you check the box marked “Revocable”, below.
I hereby make the above beneficiary designation:
Revocable, I may change this beneficiary designation at any time
For Quebec Applicants Only - Benefits payable under this plan to a beneficiary who, at the time payment is to be made, is
a minor or lacks legal capacity, will be paid to their tutor(s) or curator(s), unless a valid trust has been established for the
benefit of the beneficiary, by Will or by separate contract, to receive any such payment and Canada Life has been provided
notice of the trust. If a valid trust has already been established, designate the trust as the beneficiary in this section.
Before designating a trust, you should seek legal advice.
9. Trustee appointment
You may wish to appoint a trustee/
administrator by completing this
The original of this form will be
required for a life claim.
If designating a beneficiary who is a minor or who lacks legal capacity you may wish to appoint a trustee/administrator by
completing this form. This appointment may not be suitable for all purposes.
If you are designating a trustee/administrator, we recommend you consult with a legal advisor, and with any proposed
Do not complete this section if you have made another trustee/administrator appointment.
I hereby appoint the following trustee to receive and to hold in trust, on behalf of any beneficiary, money payable to the
beneficiary under this group benefits plan where, at the time payment is to be made, the beneficiary is a minor or otherwise
lacks legal capacity. Any such payment, to its extent, will release The Canada Life Assurance Company from further liability.
The trustee shall act prudently and may use the money, including any returns on it or investments made, for the education
and/or maintenance of the beneficiary. The trust will terminate once the beneficiary is of the age of majority and has legal
capacity. At that time, the trustee shall deliver to the beneficiary all assets held in trust.
10. Current beneficiary
name change
Complete if a current beneficiary
has had a legal change of name
11. Opting Out of all Group
You may opt out of your group
benefits plan, if your coverage is
Opting out of all group benefits - for non-compulsory plans only.
I understand the group benefits plan offered to me, but I decline to participate.
If at any time in the future you wish to join the group benefits plan, you and your dependants will have to provide proof of
insurability acceptable to Canada Life to be covered. If approved, dental benefits, if applicable, may be limited.
Please see your plan administrator for details.