Towson University Core Curriculum Requirements Checklist
Use this form to keep track of your progress in completing the Core Curriculum Requirements
1. Open this file in Adobe Acrobat (Reader)
2. Click on the down triangle to see list of course options for Requirements 1 - 14,
3. Click on the course that you took
4. Click on the Save button to save this form to your computer. Click on the Print button to print
this form. As you complete the Core Requirements, update this form
5. Print this form and save for your records
6. Click on TU Core button to open browser to TU Core Requirements web page
A grade equivalent of C or better is required for
Core 1 (Towson Seminar), 2 (English Composition), and 9 (Advanced Writing Seminar).
The other Core requirements may be completed with any passing grade including D+ or D.
Check the Core Requirements web page for updates to the courses shown on this page.
You may type in any course that is on the Core Curriculum website but not listed on this page.
1. Towson Seminar TSEM 102
 (3 units)
2. English Composition:
3. Mathematics:
4. Creativity and Creative Development:
5. Arts and Humanities:
6. Social and Behavioral Sciences:
7. Biological and Physical Sciences (Lab only):
8. Biological and Physical Sciences (Lab & Non-Lab):
9. Advanced Writing Seminar:
Perspectives (10- 14) One course under Perspectives must be taken in a discipline in the arts and
humanities, different from the discipline in requirement 5. One course under Perspectives must be taken
in a discipline in the social and behavioral sciences, different from the discipline in requirement 6.
10. Metropolitan Perspectives:
11. The United States as a Nation:
12. Global Perspectives:
13. Diversity and Difference:
14. Ethical Issues and Perspectives:
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