Rev. 8/2019
Low Income Housing Tax Credit
Check List for New Properties
All items shall be sent to the Tax Credit Analyst assigned to your project within 30 days after the property
has placed in service.
Property Name: _________________________________________________ LITC#: _____________
Property Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Property Contact Information: Owner Contact Information:
Manager: ______________________________ Owner: _____________________________________
Phone# ________________________________ Phone# ____________________________________
E-mail:_________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________
Fax# __________________________________ Fax# _____________________________________
Managing Agent Contact Information:
Name: ________________________ Phone#:___________________ E-mail: _________________________
[ ] Owner’s Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance for New Properties Only
[ ] Project Status Form completed in its’ entirety
[ ] IRS Form 8609 with Part II completed (if received from Tax Credit Allocations)
[ ] New Property Setup Form (submit via email)
[ ] List of Building addresses with corresponding building numbers and placed-in-service dates
(i.e. BIN #1 – 123 Blue Street – 1/1/2018)
[ ] Unit Designations for the Income Averaging Set-aside (if applicable)
[ ] Super’s Unit #_________ in BIN# __________ (if applicable)
[ ] Mitas Web User Agreement (printed from website)
[ ] Acquisition/Rehab Acknowledgement (for Acquisition/Rehab properties only)
[ ] Documentation to support the Tenant Paid Utility Allowance(s) entered in Mitas
[ ] Tax Credit Certification for individual processing Tenant Income Certification (TIC)
[ ] List of ACC, PHA or any units with special program requirements excluding HUD programs (if applicable)
[ ] List of units exceeding eight (8) household members (if applicable)
To access monitoring forms or the list of HMFA contacts, visit
All compliance packages should be mailed to the Tax Credit Analyst for the property via
USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc.
Please do not email.
**If you have any questions, please contact the Tax Credit Analyst assigned to your property. **