Revised 11/1/18
Low Income Housing Tax Credit
Check List for Annual Social Service Models and/or Special Needs
This check list must be used when submitting social service or special needs packages to the
Agency for approval. Please check off each item as it pertains to the property and submit
complete package on or before January 31st. Failure to submit by the deadline is
noncompliance that shall be reported to the IRS.
LITC#: ____________ Property: _____________________________
Property Contact Information: Owner Contact Information:
Site Mgr: ________________________ Owner: ______________________________
Phone: ___________________________ Phone: ______________________________
E-mail:___________________________ E-mail:______________________________
Managing Agent Contact Information:
Name: __________________________________ Phone: _____________________________
E-mail: _________________________________
Check all that apply:
[ ] Annual Certification for Projects with Social Service Models (attach job description for
onsite service coordinator (if applicable), three (3) monthly newsletters with calendar and
supporting documentation for each service provided to residents)
[ ] Annual Certification for Projects in the Supportive Housing Cycle or with Set-Aside Special
Needs Unit with supporting documentation
[ ] Special Needs Population Certification Form with supporting documentation
[ ] Frail Elderly Certification with supporting documentation
**Please mail package to the attention of Maria DiMaggio in the Tax Credit Division**
To access monitoring forms or the list of HMFA contacts, visit
** If you have any questions, feel free to contact Maria DiMaggio at (609) 278-7512. **